“That’s right.”

“She must be terribly worried.”

“I don’t think so,” said Quarry.

“Why not?”

“Because she’s dead.”


SEAN WAS ABLE to grab a flight to Nashville that night. Michelle picked him up from the airport. On the drive to her father’s house he filled Michelle in on what he’d discovered about Tuck and Cassandra Mallory.

“She sounds like someone whose ass I would really love to kick,” she snapped.

“Well, you sure wouldn’t have any trouble finding it. The lady tends to put it right out there.”

“So who was the man who was meeting with Pam? The one Tuck thought was having an affair with her?”

“I haven’t had a chance to follow that up.”

After they rode in silence for a few seconds he said, “You really think your father killed your mother?”

“I don’t know what to think. I only know that someone killed her and he’s acting like the prime suspect.”

“Do the cops share your suspicions?”

“He’s a former police chief and my brother Bobby is on the force here. They tend to cover their own.”

“But if the evidence points in one direction, they’ll have to act.”

“I know that,” she said tensely.

“Have you talked to this Donna person? The one your mom was supposed to be meeting for dinner?”

“Not yet. I was hoping you and I could do it together.”

He gripped her shoulder. “I know this is hard, Michelle. But we’ll get through it.”

“I know you’ve got your hands full with the Dutton case. I mean the First Lady and all. I feel sort of guilty pulling you into this.”

He smiled reassuringly. “I’m a great multitasker. You should know that by now.”

“I still appreciate it.”

“Have they canvassed the neighborhood? Anyone see anything?”

“There was a pool party going on next door. A sweet sixteen for the homeowner’s granddaughter. Cars parked all the way up the street. Lot of noise. Music. But no eyewitnesses to anything.”

“Maybe something will pop on that end,” he said encouragingly.

The Maxwell house was full, so Michelle had gotten Sean a room at a local hotel. He dropped his bag in his room and they drove over to the house. Sean expressed his condolences to everyone and then Michelle led him out into the backyard, where they could talk.

“The funeral’s tomorrow,” she said.

“Your brothers seem to be wondering what I’m doing here.”

“Let them wonder.”