SEAN LUCKED OUT BECAUSE VALERIE was sitting at the same table as the night before. And like that time she was sending another would-be pickup artist on his way.

Valerie was dressed less provocatively this time, in slacks and a cashmere sweater. Her hair was pulled back in a French braid and her lipstick was muted.

When she saw Sean headed toward her Valerie quickly glanced the other way. When he sat down across from her, she still didn’t look at him.

“I see you’re still very popular here,” he said.

“And I can see you don’t get the concept of a brush-off very well.”

“Tonight’s a new venture.”

“Not from where I’m sitting.”

“Would you like to grab some dinner?”

“Do I have to call the bouncer to get rid of you?”

“Let me think about that one while you decide where you’d like to eat.” She almost smiled. He was quick to pick up on it. “Okay, that’s a tiny little crack, but I’ll take what I can get.”

“And why would you think I would want to have dinner with you?”

“Okay, now that I have your full attention, I’ll tell you.” He paused and said, “I just want someone to talk to. Traveling around by yourself gets really old really fast. I’m not looking for anything other than good conversation over a nice bottle of wine. And we can split the check, no favors owed on either side.”

“And you’re assuming I can provide this good conversation? And that I like wine?”

“The conversation I think is a given. My stupid and shallow radar is pretty damn good. It hasn’t made a peep since I met you. As for the wine, I’m flexible, but I passed a place down the street from here that has a Cabernet on the list I’ve been dying to try.”

“You know your way around grapes?”

“I used to collect wine.”

“Used to?”

“Yeah, until somebody blew up my house and my wine cellar.” Sean rose from the table. “Shall we?”

Sitting at a corner overlooking the street and sharing the bottle of Cabernet, Sean once more glanced at Valerie’s wedding ring. He did so in such a way that she could hardly miss it.

“You’re wondering why I’m having dinner with you while I happen to be a married woman?” she said.

“I was thinking if I was your husband I wouldn’t let you go to bars by yourself.”

“I can take care of myself.”

“My worry would be that you might just take a fancy to one of those gentlemen.”

“And you think I’ve taken a fancy to you?”

“I think you’re wondering if I’m really sincere, or just another creep waiting to make his move.”

“And which one are you?”

“Well, if I am a creep I’d tell you that I’m quite sincere.”

“So where does that leave us?”