“You want my opinion?”

“Sure. You’re really smart. So should I or shouldn’t I? I mean I guess I could just keep on going and never find out what it is. Sometimes the truth is not so great.”

“I think you should let him do it,” Viggie said decisively.

“Really? Why?”

“It’s always better to know, isn’t it?”

Michelle didn’t answer right away. “I think you’re right. It is better to know.”

“Can we go back now?” Viggie asked, sliding her paddle into the water.

“Sure. I hope this was fun for you.”

Viggie nodded but didn’t say anything. As they turned around and paddled away a man limped out of the woods on the Camp Peary side. Ian Whitfield lowered his binoculars but his gaze stayed on the small two-person craft. He’d been alerted to their presence by one of his men. He pulled a phone from his belt holder and punched in a number. His features were grim as he spoke. A few minutes later his aide, Six-Pack, joined him.

Whitfield said, “Ex–Secret Service? Both her and Sean King?”

“That’s right. Michelle Maxwell, down to investigate Turing and Rivest on behalf of the Babbage Town folks.”

Whitfield said, “Turing’s daughter was in the kayak.”

“What do you want to do about it, sir?”

Whitfield didn’t answer the question. He just stood there staring through the chain link fence out at the water. Finally he turned to Six-Pack. “Sometimes it’s a thankless damn job, son.” Whitfield turned and limped into the forest.

Back at the boathouse Michelle and Viggie put the kayak and gear away. As they walked back to Babbage Town Viggie placed her hand in Michelle’s and squeezed. “I hope Mr. Barnes can help you remember stuff,” she said.

“Thanks, Viggie. I appreciate your helping me decide.”

When they got back to the cottage Viggie ran to her piano and started playing. When she finished performing the song she looked up at Michelle. “I like you, Michelle.”

“I like you too, Viggie.”

Viggie jumped up from the piano and raced up the stairs. At the top of the landing she paused and turned. “Codes and blood,” she screamed and then ran down the hall to her room, leaving a stunned Michelle downstairs.



SEAN HAD ARRANGED for a rental car in Williamsburg and drove back to Babbage Town after dinner with Valerie. He crossed the bridge over the York and was passing Gloucester Point when the car that had been following him all evening caught up and forced him off the road. Before Sean could get out a man was at the driver’s window.

“Get out of the car,” he screamed at Sean, waving his ID.

FBI Special Agent Mike Ventris wasn’t exactly exuding the warm fuzzies.

“Can I ask what this is in reference to?” Sean said politely.

“Shut the hell up and get in my car! Now!”

Sean followed him back to his federal-issued cruiser. He climbed in the passenger side while Ventris ducked in the driver’s seat. When the doors slammed shut Ventris turned to him and snapped, “What do you think you’re doing, you idiot?”

Sean said calmly, “I was driving back to Babbage Town when you ran me off the road. Is it time for your wheels refresher course at the Bureau or do you just do that for kicks?”

“Knock off the wise-ass crap. First, you went to see Ian Whitfield.”

“Actually he summoned me and Sheriff Hayes.”