Looking up ahead, he saw his destination: Alicia Chadwick’s cottage. It was dark inside. He made it to the back door unseen and jiggled the handle. It was unlocked. He moved inside, stopped and listened. All seemed clear. He suddenly ducked down as shadows raced down the street.

He went up the stairs, found his bedroom door and slipped in. He wanted to get to his cell phone, which he’d stupidly left behind when they’d fled from Babbage Town. Yet he almost instantly realized that his room had been searched and everything taken. He left and moved to Alicia’s door, opened it and crept in with the intent of trying to find a phone in her room.

A blow struck him in the s


“Get away from me. Get away!” a voice yelled out.

He caught her hand before she could hit him again. “Alicia, it’s me. It’s Sean.”

She had been behind the door and had lashed out at him with, of all things, her prosthetic.

“Sean!” she said in amazement.

He held her tightly, trying to keep her upright on the one leg.

“What are you doing here? I thought you left,” he said.

“I thought you did too. I came back here in case Viggie showed up. Then I heard someone sneaking around in the house.”

“Alicia, we need to get out of here.”

“Why, what’s happened?”

“I can’t take the time to explain right now, but it involves the CIA, possibly drugs and murder. The spooks are all over the place, but I have a plan.”

She quickly strapped on her leg.

“Where’s Michelle?” she asked.

“I wish I knew. She followed the drugs. I… I hope she’s okay. Do you have a cell phone? I need to call the police.”

“I left it in my car.”

“Do you have a hard line phone here?”

“No, just the cell.”

“Dammit!” He looked around. “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. You’re going to go to your car. I’m assuming it’s parked in the front?”


He pulled out the clothes he’d taken from the laundry facility. They were a guard’s uniform. He quickly changed into them. When she saw the wound on his leg Alicia cried out, “Oh my God, Sean, you’re hurt.”

“Forget it. I’ll be in a lot worse shape if we don’t get out of here. Now if anyone stops you, you just tell them you’re scared, and you’re leaving. I’ll be shadowing you.”

“You’re wearing that uniform. Why can’t you just pretend you’re my escort?”

“The guards will recognize me if they get a look at my face. But from a distance they and the CIA guys will just see a uniform. I’ll join you in the front and we can get to the cops.”

She looked panicked. “Sean, what if they won’t let me leave? They might think I know something.”

“Alicia, just act frightened.”

She managed a weak smile. “That won’t be hard because I’m terrified.” Tears slid down her cheeks. “Do you think these men are the ones who took Viggie?”

He didn’t answer right away. “Yes, they’re the ones.”