He took the comment as a sign of her returning spirit and said, “Well, she won’t be coming with me. There’s a guy down there named Len Rivest who’s head of security for Babbage Town. He was with the FBI, knows Joan and recommended her firm. He’ll be my main contact there.”

“You said a man was murdered?”

“We don’t know for sure. His name was Monk Turing. He worked at Babbage Town.”

“What exactly is Babbage Town?”

“It’s only been described to me as a secret think tank working on some important stuff.”

“Who runs the place?”

“According to the file a guy named Champ Pollion.”

“Monk? Champ?”

“I know; it’s weird right from the get-go. But there’ll be a nice payday if I can find out what happened to the guy.”

“Is that how you can afford this place? I know my insurance doesn’t cover it.”

“All you need to do is get better. Let me worry about the rest of it.”

“I am getting better. I feel good.” Her voice sank lower. “And there’s something weird going on here.”

“Weird? What do you mean?”

“Sounds in the night. People moving around in places they shouldn’t be.”

Sean took a deep breath and said in a mildly scolding tone, “Will you promise me you won’t get mixed up in it, whatever it is? I won’t be around to help if you do.”

“You’re flying into the middle of nowhere to investigate a murder without me backing you up. I should be the one putting the screws to you.”

“I promise I’ll be careful.”

“As soon as I’m out of here I’ll come down and help you.”

“I hear you and Horatio have really hit it off.”

“I can’t stand the son of a bitch.”

“Good, then you are getting along.”

A few minutes later he’d started to leave when she clutched his arm. “If things start getting really wild, call me. I can be down to help in a flash.”

“I’ll watch my backside.”

“I don’t think you can watch your front and back at the same time.”

He pointed a finger at her. “The most important thing is for you to get yourself right. Then we can start being our perfect opposites-attract all-star detective team again.”

“I’m l

ooking forward to that.”

“Me too.”

Now he was heading to Babbage Town, alone, and regretting more than ever that Michelle wasn’t with him. Yet his partner had a long road to travel back to good health and his mind was constantly preoccupied with the possibility that she might not succeed.

As they drove along beside the York River a scattering of birds rose into the air at the same time a half-dozen deer flew across the road. The driver barely tapped his brakes. The flank of the last whitetail deer came within a couple inches of meeting the fender of the pumped-up SUV. All Sean could envision were antlers coming through the windshield and impaling him on the deep, rich Hummer leather.