“Thanks,” Tyler mumbled.

He climbed into the back while Michelle sat next to him. Sean drove.

“Where to?” he asked.

Tyler told him.

“Directions from here?” said Sean. “I’m not familiar with this area.”

Tyler gave him turn-by-turn directions until he hung a left down a street where there were a few older homes located at the end of a cul-de-sac.

“You ran a long way,” said Michelle.

Tyler didn’t answer.

“Which house?” asked Sean.

Tyler pointed to the one on the right at the very end next to a stand of thick woods. It was ablaze in light.

Michelle and Sean exchanged a glance. Parked in the driveway of the house was a dull green Ford with U.S. Army plates. As they turned into the drive a woman and two uniformed Army officers came outside on the covered porch.

Michelle turned to Tyler.

“Why are they here?” she asked.

“To tell me my dad was killed in Afghanistan,” said Tyler.

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