“Fenced-in area?”

“Yeah, his body was lying just inside it. Evidence on the corpse indicates he climbed over. I’m sure the area’s patrolled, but apparently not 24/7. There’re thousands of acres to Camp Peary, and much of it undeveloped. Even the CIA doesn’t have the money to secure every square inch of it. Monk got in there somehow.”

“Where’s the body now?”

“A temp morgue was set up in White Feather, a small town fairly close to here. A medical examiner from Williamsburg did the post. There’s no doubt about the cause of death. I’ve seen the body and the report. But feel free to take a look.”

“Okay. Was Turing married?”

“Divorced. We’re still trying to locate the ex. No luck so far.”


“One. Viggie Turing, age eleven.”

“Where’s she now?”

“Right here. She lived with her father in Babbage Town.” He inclined his head toward some cottages. “The buildings on the perimeter over there are housing for the people working here. Some of them live in the mansion too.”

“Is Viggie a nickname or a family name?”

“It’s short for Vigenère or so I heard.”

Sean said, “After Blaise de Vigenère?”


“Never mind. Turing have any known enemies?”

“Well, he had at least one unknown one.”

“But what about the suicide theory? Near contact wound, gun found nearby?”

“Could be,” Rivest conceded slowly. “But my gut tells me otherwise.”

“Sometimes the gut is wrong.”

“It worked for me at the FBI for twenty-five years. And it’s telling me something’s wrong here.”

“I’ll want to talk to Viggie.”

“You’re going to have a hard time pulling anything out of that kid.”

“Why’s that?”

“If she’s not a little autistic, she’s something close. Monk could reach her, but nobody else really can.”

“Does she even know her dad’s dead?”

“Let’s put it this way, no one really knows how to break it to her. But it won’t be pretty.”

“Why, is she a violent child?”

Rivest shook his head. “She’s quiet and shy and one helluva pianist.”

“So what’s her problem?”

“She lives in her own world, Sean. You can be talking to her normally and all of a sudden it’s like she disappears. She just doesn’t communicate on the same level as you and me.”