He backed toward the door, his gaze on her long, bare legs. “And if you file a report against me I’ll have to defend myself.”

“What exactly is that supposed to mean?” Michelle said furiously.

“It means that other female patients have stooped to seducing male staff in order to get preferential treatment, small favors, drugs, smokes, candy, even vibrators. I mean the way I look at it I was standing right here and you started showing off your body to me. Do you want a vibrator, sweetie? But being the good staff member that I am, I can’t treat you any differently. Sorry.”

Michelle’s fists were clenched she was so angry. “I didn’t see you, you bastard! You were hiding over in that corner.”

“You said I was hiding, I say I wasn’t. Have a nice day.” He gave her one last, penetrating stare and then turned and left.

Michelle was so upset she was trembling. She took several calming breaths, grabbed her clothes and finished dressing in the bathroom. The door didn’t have a lock for obvious reasons, so she stood with her back pressed against it in case the man came back for something more than a peek at her ass and boobs. She felt violated beyond belief. She was deciding whether to report Barry when another staff member walked in after Michelle had finishing dressing.

“I’m here to take you to the session,” the woman said.

“What session?” Michelle asked.

“Horatio Barnes has scheduled you for a group session this afternoon.”

“He didn’t tell me that.”

“Well, it’s on your chart. I’m just here to make sure you go.”

Michelle hesitated. Damn him. “How many people in the group?”

“Ten. I’m sure you’ll get a lot out of it. And it’s only thirty minutes long.”

“Fine, let’s just get it over with,” Michelle said sharply.

“That’s not the proper attitude to have,” the woman said in a scolding tone.

“Lady, right now it’s the only attitude I’ve got.”

A male doctor Michelle had never seen before was leading the session. The only saving grace for Michelle was that Sandy was there. She made a beeline for the woman and sat next to her. As soon as Michelle did so the door opened and Barry came in. He stood in the back against the wall.

Every time Michelle felt his gaze on her, her skin prickled. That jerk had seen her naked. It was killing her. Even Sean had never seen that much of her.

While the doctor was handing out some materials, Sandy looked over at Michelle and saw her expression of misery. “You okay?”

“No, but I’ll tell you about it later. How does this session work?” she whispered.

“Just follow my lead. It’ll be okay. This shrink isn’t bad. He means well, but he’s

totally clueless to what goes on in the real world.”

“That’s inspiring,” Michelle said.

After the session was over, Michelle pushed Sandy’s wheelchair past Barry.

“You ladies have a nice day,” Barry said, holding the door for them and smiling broadly.

“Go fuck yourself!” Michelle said loud enough for him and everyone else to hear.

Sandy screwed up her face. “Oh, honey, please, that conjures up such a nasty vision and I just had my lunch.”

Barry stopped smiling.

On the way back to Sandy’s room Michelle filled her in on Barry’s actions.

“I’ve heard he listens for the showers to go on and off in the good-looking women’s rooms and then slips in for a little peek.”