“No, I ducked out. But I ratted on him to the head nurse, for all the good it’ll do me. He’s probably plotting his revenge as we speak.”

Sandy sat back. “What could he want in my room?”

Michelle shrugged. “Probably just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Or he might’ve been looking to take anything of value that wasn’t nailed down.”

Sandy made a snorting noise. “Well, I hope he can dig all the way to my bank because that’s where my good jewelry is. I never bring any of that with me to one of these places because it won’t be there when you leave.”

“Good thinking.”

Sandy tried to sit up some more and Michelle quickly went to her aid. She lifted the sheet up, exposing Sandy’s legs, took the woman around the waist and slid her higher on the pillow and then covered her legs back up.

“You’re strong,” Sandy remarked.

“You’re pretty muscular yourself.”

“Upper body, yes. But my legs are spaghetti and about as big.” Sandy sighed. “You should’ve seen the gams I used to have, Ann-Margret quality.”

Michelle smiled. “I’m sure.” Sandy’s legs were withered, which was why Michelle had lifted the covers. She wanted to make sure Sandy really was disabled. Her instincts told her there was something wrong about Sandy.

“You look like you’re thinking way too hard,” Sandy said.

“That’s all we have to do in here, isn’t it, think too much?”

An hour later Michelle participated in yet another group session Horatio Barnes had signed her up for.

“So when is Mr. Harley-Davidson expected back?” Michelle asked one of the nurses.


“Horatio Barnes!”

“Oh, he didn’t say. But he has an associate covering for him who’s very qualified.”

“Good for him.”

Coming back from the session Michelle turned the corner and nearly ran into Barry coming from the other direction.

She started to walk away when he said, “So how’s your girlfriend, Sandy?”

She knew she shouldn’t take the bait, but something inside her just wouldn’t let it go. She turned around and said brightly, “She’s great. Did you find anything in her room worth stealing?”

“So you’re the one who turned me in to the nurse.”

“It took you this long to figure it out? What a loser.”

He smirked. “Why don’t you do a reality check? I can leave anytime I want. You’re a nutcase that’s locked up in here.”

/> “That’s right. I am a nutcase. I’m a freaking nutcase who can break your neck anytime I want.”

He sneered. “Listen, little girl, I grew up in the toughest neighborhood in Trenton. You don’t know the meaning of the word tough—Holy shit!”

She had put her foot right through the drywall an inch from his head. As she slowly pulled her leg back she looked at him as he cowered there, his hands over his head.

“Next time you try and screw with me or Sandy, it won’t be the wall I crush.” She turned to leave and then looked at the hole she’d made. “You might want to clean that up, Barry. Hygiene regulations and all.”

“I’m going to report you for attacking me.”

“Good, you go ahead. And I’ll get a petition signed by all the women you’ve taken a peek at while you’ve been here. I’m sure they’d just love to see your ass in jail.”