“You’re obviously very smart, but apparently you can’t see that I’m preparing you for what the police and FBI will ask. You think Agent Ventris is going to go gentle on you? Dead man plus relationship equals you being a suspect.”

“I didn’t kill him. Dammit I cared for him. He was a nice man. Maybe we had a future together. Now?” She turned away from him as tears trickled down her face.

“Okay, Alicia, okay,” Sean said gently. “I know this is hard for you.” He paused. “Can you just tell me if Len mentioned anything to you about anyone wanting to hurt him? Or whether he knew anything that might endanger him? Something to do with Babbage Town? Camp Peary? Anything like that?”

Alicia took several deep breaths and wiped her eyes with her sleeve before answering. “Camp Peary? What has that got to do with Len’s death?”

“If Monk Turing’s death is connected to what happened to Len, maybe everything.”

“But I thought you said it looked like Monk killed himself.”

“We don’t know that for sure. But please answer my question, did Len mention anything to you?”

“He never said anyone wanted to hurt him.”

Sean leaned forward. “All right. How about spies here? He ever talk about that?”

She shook her head. “No, never. Why?”

“Just something he said to me. Anything else you can think of?”

“Well, he did say that the people here had no idea what they were getting into. That what we were working on would change the world. And not in a good way.” She attempted a smile. “He said we geeks were clueless about how the real world worked. Maybe he was right.”

“He mentioned to me that what was going on at Babbage Town was worth countries going to war for. It can’t be just numbers.”

“I’m scared, Sean. Len Rivest was a very capable man. The fact that someone could kill him, like that, in his own house with security all around.” She shuddered and fell back in her chair.

She looked so miserable that Sean rose and put an arm around her shoulders to steady her. “It’ll be okay, Alicia.”

“Don’t patronize me! I’m terrified about Viggie. She could be in danger too.”

“Why?” he asked.

“You tell me. You’re the expert in this sort of thing.”

“Does the girl know her father’s not coming back?”

Alicia looked uncomfortable. “I’m trying to lay the groundwork to tell her, but it hasn’t been easy.”

“If you’re really concerned about her, then I’d get her out of Babbage Town.”

“I can’t do that.”

“I thought Viggie’s welfare was your top priority?”

“Viggie’s happy here. I can’t just uproot her and take the girl someplace she’s never been. It could destroy her.”

“I’ll admit it’s not much of a choice.”

“I have another option,” Alicia said suddenly, gripping his hand. “We stay and you help keep Viggie safe.”

“I’ve already got a job.” I’ve actually got two jobs now, Sean mentally corrected.

“She’s a child. She needs help. Are you just going to sit there and refuse to help a vulnerable little girl who just lost her father?”

Sean started to say something and then stopped. Finally, he sighed. “I guess I could keep an eye on her.”

Tears again trickled down Alicia’s cheeks. “Thank you.”