“When I screw up the courage to talk to Joan, I’ll ask her for a rundown on some of these things. I especially want a more detailed background check on Champ, Alicia and Monk Turing.”

“So quantum computers, you said?”

“Len Rivest said it was worth countries going to war for.”

“So you think Rivest’s death is connected to Monk’s?”

“If not, at least to Babbage Town. He was going to tell me all about the place. Then he goes to take a bath and gets murdered in the tub.”

“But the FBI still thinks it was an accident?”

“Ventris is the guy in charge. I don’t know what he thinks. He made it very clear that I was a bug to be crushed if I got in his way.”

“It’s late. Why don’t we get moved into our new home?”

Sean grabbed his bag and they headed over to the bungalow. There were no lights on inside.

“They must be asleep.” Sean unlocked the door with the key Alicia had given him and led Michelle inside. He turned on the foyer light and said, “I’m bunking in one of the bedrooms at the top of the stairs. There’s an empty one across from me. I’ll explain things to Alicia in the morning.”

He studied her without seeming to do so. “So you’re doing okay?” he said quietly.

“Actually, better than okay. I have to admit, the R&R was good for me.”

“And the weird stuff you mentioned going on at the psych hospital? Anything come out of that?” he asked casually, already knowing the answer.

“Nothing worth mentioning,” she lied. “I have to tell you, your buddy Horatio was a big disappointment. After asking me a bunch of irrelevant and insulting questions he took off, haven’t seen the little shit since.”

“Really? That’s surprising.” Sean elected not to tell her that the “little shit” would be here in a matter of hours.

“Okay, point me in the direction of my bed. I’m about ready to collapse,” she said.

In the next moment Michelle pulled her gun and pointed it at the sounds that came rushing at them out of the darkness.



SEAN GRABBED HOLD OF MICHELLE’S ARM and said, “Viggie? Viggie, is that you?”

The sounds became clearer now. It was someone whimpering.

Sean led the way into the next room and found a light switch.

Viggie was huddled in a chair against the wall. She was dressed in her pajamas and her hair was down around her shoulders. It made her look older than did the pigtails. Her eyes were red from crying and the expression on her face was that of a person who hurt everywhere.

Michelle quickly holstered her gun and strode over to the girl. She bent down and said quietly, “Sweetie, are you okay?”

Whether it was the gentleness of Michelle’s words or the worried look on her features, Viggie put out a hand and Michelle took it in hers.

Sean said, “Viggie, has something happened? Is Alicia here?”

Viggie said nothing, keeping her gaze fixed on Michelle.

“Stay with her, I’m going to check on Alicia.” Sean raced up the stairs while Michelle sat down on the floor and stroked Viggie’s hand.

“It’s going to be okay, Viggie. I’m Michelle. Michelle Maxwell. I’m a friend of Sean’s. You can call me Michelle, or even Mick if you want.”

“Mick,” Viggie said immediately and wiped her eyes with her free hand.