“What do you think Sally will tell you?”

“I’m tired of getting stonewalled on this case,” he said, biting out the words. “So she better have a damn good explanation of why she was praying in front of Junior’s grave.”

“Sean King, did you know you’re very sexy when you get mad?”

“So they tell me,” King said as he marched off to corral the young horsewoman.




rider coming toward him. However, it was Savannah, not Sally, astride a large gelding with two white-mottled forelegs.

She pulled up next to him and dismounted. She wore jeans, riding boots and a corduroy jacket.

“Beautiful day for a ride,” he said.

“I can saddle you a mount.”

“I haven’t ridden in a while.”

“Come on, it’s like riding a bike.”

He motioned to his jacket and dress slacks. “I’m not really dressed for it. How about a rain check?”

“Okay, sure,” she said, obviously doubtful he’d ever cash in.

“I’m not just saying that, Savannah. I mean it.”

“Okay. Are you here to see my mother?”

“Already did. Unfortunately, it was a short interview.”

Savannah couldn’t suppress a smile. “And you’re surprised?”

“No, I guess I’m an optimist.” He looked around. “Have you seen Sally?”

“She’s in the stables over there,” Savannah said, pointing over King’s left shoulder. “Why?”

“Just wondering.”

She looked at him suspiciously but then shrugged. “Thanks for spending some time with me after the funeral.”

“It was my pleasure. I know how tough things have been for you.”

“I think they’re going to get tougher. That FBI agent was here again.”

“Chip Bailey? What did he want?”

“He wanted to know where I was when Daddy was killed.”

“That’s a pretty standard question. And what did you tell him?”

“That I was at home in my room. No one saw me, at least that I know of. I guess I fell asleep, because I didn’t hear my mother come in. I didn’t even find out Daddy had died until the following morning.”

“I’m surprised she didn’t come and get you when she got the call.”