“Oh, please!”

“I said if I didn’t know better. And don’t worry, right now everything else takes a backseat to this case.” He paused and added, “I saw you and Eddie hugging.”

She looked at him angrily. “You were spying on us!”

“No, I peeked in the window as I was going to the door to see if you were in there. I didn’t know you two were trying to crawl inside each other’s bodies.”

“That’s so unfair, Sean. I was just thanking him for a painting he did of me.”

“Oh, he painted a portrait of you? That should make his intentions quite clear.”

“He’s unhappy.”

“And it’s not your job to fix that unhappiness,” he retorted. “So just let it go, Michelle. The last thing you need right now is for your judgment to be clouded.”

Michelle looked ready to argue but remained silent.

King continued, “He’s an attractive, fun and nice guy who’s had more than his share of tragedy, and to top it off he’s caught in a miserable marriage. You wouldn’t be the first woman in history to want to help a man like that.”

“You sound like you’ve experienced stuff like that.”

“The world is full of stuff like that. And none of us are immune to it.”

“Okay, okay, I get the message. So where to now?”

“We’re going to see Roger Canney. It seems he came into a substantial sum of money right around the time of his wife’s death. Its origins are unclear.”

“That’s interesting.”

“You haven’t heard the most interesting part. The late Mrs. Canney had a job.”

“Really? Where?” Michelle asked.

“Battle Enterprises. Care to guess which executive she was servicing?”

“Bobby Battle!”

“You win the prize.”




knock at the Canney residence.


??That’s funny,” said King. “I called ahead. He said he’d be home.”

“At least the housekeeper should be here.”

Michelle went over and peeked inside the garage window. “Well, there are two cars in there, a big Beemer and a Range Rover. Unless he pays his housekeeper extremely well, I don’t think they belong to her.”

King put a hand on the front door, and it swung open. Michelle saw this and immediately took out her gun and rejoined King.

“I swear to God,” she whispered, “if he’s in there dead with a dog collar around his neck and wearing a watch pointing to the number six, I’m going to scream for an entire week.”