examiner. And before you changed doctors, you two shared the same gynecologists.”

“I haven’t changed my ob-gyn.”

“Okay, the point is, she was the witness who saw Kyle here and heard the argument between him and the woman.” He paused and said, “You’re going to have to put an end to it, Lulu. No more, starting today, or else it all comes tumbling down.”

“I’ll have to refund the men their money. That’s a lot of cash.”

“No, you won’t. They knowingly participated in an illegal scheme. Tell them they had a close call today and that’s it. Tell them if you pay the money back, it can be traced to them if there’s a later investigation. I’m certain they’ll pass on the money to avoid the risk.” He stared at her pointedly. “This is your only way out, Lulu.”

She finally nodded in understanding. “I’ll call them all today.”

“And talk to your partners in Florida. Make it clear to them that the long arm of Virginia law reaches that far south. If they don’t want to lose the boats and the babes, they better get off your back and stick to pole dancing and beer, which I’m sure pays a pretty penny.”

King rose and motioned for Michelle to join him in leaving. “And with Remmy helping to take care of the kids financially and finishing up your house, you might want to spend less time here and more time at home. It’s just a suggestion.”

As they were heading out, Lulu called to them. “Look, I owe you a big debt. All I can say is thank you.”

King turned back. “I figured you were about due a break. Good luck.” He and Michelle started to leave again but paused when Lulu called to them again.

“I do know what kind of car the woman drives. I saw it one time.”

“We know too. An older-model Mercedes convertible.”

“It was more than that. It was a true classic, a 1959 300 SL Roadster.”

“How do you know that?” asked Michelle.

“One of my partners is a car buff. He’s got a fleet of fancy ones he keeps down in Naples. He taught me a lot. The one the lady drives is a beauty. It’s worth a small fortune.”

King muttered something under his breath. “Lulu, consider your debt paid in full. Come on, Michelle.” He grabbed her arm and pushed her out the door.

“What’s the rush?” asked Michelle.

“I think I know where to find that car.”




on a side road and got out.

“We’ll have to walk from here. I don’t want anyone to see us if we can help it.”

“Where are we going?”

“Be patient. You’ll see soon enough.”

They climbed over a rear gate and made their way down a gravel road. Through a break in a long row of one of the twelve-foot hedges planted on either side, Michelle caught a glimpse of the house in the distance and commented, “We’re at the Battles’.” As King moved away from the direction of the house, she said, “Sean, the house is that way.”

“That’s not where I’m heading.”

“Where, then?”

King pointed up ahead. “To the car barn.”

They reached the large structure without being seen. King was able to jimmy open a side door, and they went inside. He made his way along each of the cars on the first floor, looking under their protective cloth covers. Finished with the first floor, they headed up the stairs to the second.