“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”

“If Dorothea did kill this guy, we might have three killers out there. The serial killer, the person who killed Bobby Battle and now whoever killed Montgomery,” said Bailey.

“Or Dorothea could have killed Bobby,” said Williams. He looked at King. “Did she say anything about why she went to see Battle?”

“Dorothea was hoping Bobby had changed his will to give her more money. She said she went to the hospital to make sure he’d done so. As it turned out, he hadn’t. Remmy got the money. So his death didn’t benefit Dorothea at all.”

Michelle spoke up. “She said he was incoherent. But what if when she visited him, he told her that he hadn’t changed his will and in anger she poisoned him?”

King said, “I don’t think Battle was capable of answering any questions. He was on the ventilator which makes speech pretty much impossible.”

Bailey glanced at King. “How’s your theory looking regarding the victims being connected somehow?”

King shrugged. “Still working the angle.”

After the others had left, King picked up the phone and made a call. But he put the phone down a few moments later.

“Who were you trying to get in touch with?” asked Michelle.

“Harry Carrick. There was no answer. I’ll try again later. Once Dorothea is picked up, the shit will really hit the fan. Harry’s friends with Remmy, so I’d like to give him some advance warning. He may want to go by and see her. And Dorothea’s going to need a lawyer.”

“I wonder if I should find Eddie and tell him.”

“Better he hears from someone else. Bailey will probably want to do the honors.”

“How come you didn’t tell Bailey about Canney’s connection to Battle?”

“I don’t know if there is a real connection yet. I’d like to be sure.”

“But you have your suspicions?”

“Yes, I do. Strong ones.”

“Care to share them?”

“My hunch is that Steve Canney was Bobby Battle’s child by Mrs. Canney. And that Roger Canney made the old man pay after his wife died. That would explain his sudden wealth and the fact that he has no pictures of his adulterous spouse and the son who wasn’t his.”

“I’m surprised he waited until she died in the car accident before he started blackmailing Battle,” she said.

King stared at his partner. “Car accident?” he said slowly.

“Yes, she was drinking and crashed her car. Don’t you remember?”

“I remember very well, thank you.”

She noted the faraway look in her partner’s eyes. “You’re on to something. Care to share?”

He glanced at her. “What if Canney’s wife didn’t die in a car accident?”

“But she did. They found her in her car at the bottom of a ravine. I told you I checked with Todd on that.”

“Right. She died in a car crash. But that doesn’t necessarily make it an accident, does it?”