“If he did it himself, he’d still need witnesses.”

“Not if it were a holographic will, entirely in his handwriting.”

“So if there is such a will, who has it, and why aren’t they making it public?”

“A question to which I would dearly love the answer,” remarked Harry as he finished off his snifter of cognac.




good night to Harry and drove off. The weather was still nice enough

to keep the top down. However, Michelle tugged her wrap more tightly around her shoulders.

“I can put up the top if you want,” said King, noting her movement.

“No, the breeze feels wonderful and the air smells so good.”

“Spring in rural Virginia, can’t beat it.”

“I feel like we made some progress tonight.”

“At least we took the time to talk out different angles. That’s always helpful.”

She glanced at him with a suspicious look. “As usual you’re saying less than you know.”

He pretended to be offended by her remark; however, his smile betrayed this effort. “I’m not conceding I know anything. But I do suspect some things that I might not have mentioned.”

“Such as, partner?”

“Such as I’ve spent a wonderful evening over two fabulous bottles of wine with an attractive young woman, and all I’ve talked about is murder and mayhem.”

“You’re stalling. And mentioning the wine before mentioning me says a lot.”

“Well, I’ve known those bottles of wine longer than I’ve known you.”

“Thanks a lot, but you’re still stalling.”

The SUV hit them from behind so hard that if they hadn’t been wearing their seat belts, they both would have gone headfirst through the windshield.

“What the hell!” yelled out King as he looked in his rearview mirror. “Where did they come from?” The words were barely out of his mouth before they were rammed again. King fought the wheel, trying to keep the two-door Lexus coupe on the windy road.

Michelle kicked off her heels and pushed her bare feet against the floorboard to steady herself. Reaching into her bag, she slid out her gun, chambered a round and punched off the safety pretty much all in one smooth motion.

“Can you see the driver?” asked King.

“Not with the damn headlights shining in my face. But it has to be the killer.”

King pulled out his cell phone. “This time we’re going to nail the bastard.”

“Look out, here he comes again,” yelled Michelle.

The next impact by the far heavier vehicle almost lifted the rear of the Lexus off the road. King’s cell phone was knocked out of his hand, banged against the windshield and then went rocketing backward. It clanged off the hood of the SUV, hit the street and broke apart.

King tangled with the wheel again and managed to regain control as the two vehicles uncoupled. King’s car was outweighed by at least a ton. Still the Lexus coupe was far more nimble than the beast attacking them, and it had three hundred horses under the hood. Calling on all of them when they hit a straightaway, King punched the gas and the Lexus leaped forward, leaving the other vehicle far behind.