“My cottage has an extra bedroom.”

“Thanks, but I don’t think my neatness gene could survive.”

“I’ve gotten better.”

“Better! The last time I was there you had everything from water skis to shotguns piled on a card table in your dining room, a stack of dirty laundry in the kitchen sink and unwashed dishes on a chair in the living room. You served dinner on paper plates on a wakeboard resting on two chairs—a first for me, I assure you.”

“Well,” she said in a hurt tone, “I thought you’d appreciate that I cooked for you. Do you know how many cans I had to open?”

“I’m sure it was a true ordeal.”

He was about to say something else when his cell phone rang. It was Todd Williams. The conversation was brief, but when King clicked off, he looked badly shaken.

“Another murder?” asked Michelle as she set down her coffee and looked at him.


“Who was it?”

“Somebody I happened to know,” he said.




Diane Hinson had not set very well in her posh, gated and supposedly safe community. When Michelle and King arrived there, a small yet vocal crowd of angry folks had surrounded several beleaguered men in suits representing the management of the upscale compound. Also in the middle of this siege was an elderly security guard who appeared so distraught he looked ready to cry.

Police cars and other emergency vehicles lined the pipestem road to Hinson’s home, and a yellow police tape barrier stretched across the small strip of grass in front of the home, not that many people were inclined to take a peek. Uniformed officers came and went through the front door and garage. King pulled to a stop and he and Michelle got out.

Chief Williams waved to them from the front stoop. They hurried to meet him and then all three went inside.

If possible, Todd Williams looked even more miserable than he had at the morgue. Gravity seemed to be sucking the lawman right into the earth. “Damn,” he said. “What I did to deserve this, I don’t know.”

“There’s been a positive ID on Hinson?” asked King.

“Yeah, it’s her. Why, do you know the lady?”

“It’s a small town, we’re both lawyers.”

“Did you know her well?”

“Not enough to be any help with the investigation. Who found her?”

“She was supposed to be at work early this morning, preparing for a deposition or something. When she didn’t show, people from her firm called her house and cell phones. There was no answer. They sent someone over. Her car was in the garage, but no one answered the door. They got worried and called the police.” Williams shook his head. “This is the same guy who did Tyler, Pembroke and Canney, no doubt about it.”

Michelle picked up on the confident tone in his voice. “Did you receive a letter about the high school kids?”

Williams nodded, pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and passed it to her. “Here’s a photocopy. Damn newspaper sat on it because it was addressed to Virgil and he was out of town. Apparently, not one single person over there thought to open it. And they call themselves reporters! My ass!”

“Was it in code like the first one?” asked King.

“Nope, that’s just as we received it. And no symbol on the envelope.”

King said, “So there goes the Zodiac theory.” He looked at Michelle. “What does it say?”

Michelle scanned the letter and began reading: “Okay, one more down with others to follow. I told you the first time I wasn’t the Z-man. But you’re probably thinking that kid bit the dust under the Z’s hand. Think again. I left the dog collar behind because the dog didn’t make me do it. I don’t even have a dog. I wanted to do it all by myself. And no, I’m not him either. Until next time, and it won’t be long. Not SOS.”