“At that time I was making my patrol rounds. And that pistol was in my holster.”

One of the FBI agents perked up. “Do we take that as a confession?”

King’s look made it clear what he thought of that comment.

Parks considered this and said, “We’ve been checking your movements that night. Your vehicle was seen on Main Street around the time Jennings was killed.”

“I probably was there. My rounds include the town area, so it would be logical that someone saw my truck then. But you don’t have a witness that saw me at my office, because I wasn’t there.”

One of the FBI agents was about to respond until Parks put a big hand on his arm.

“That’s not something we have to discuss with you at the moment,” said Parks. “But we do have a positive on the ballistics, and with your background you know that’s as good as a fingerprint.”

“No, not quite as good as a print. It doesn’t place me at the crime scene.”

“On the contrary, we have your gun at the scene, and we have you nearby the scene. That?

?s pretty strong evidence.”

“Circumstantial evidence,” countered King.

“And there have been convictions on a lot less,” shot back Parks.

“We should have done a trace metal test when they took the gun from you,” said one of the FBI agents.

“Wouldn’t have done any good,” said King. “I handled my gun the night before you came, so there would have been microscopic traces in my skin from the metal.”

“Convenient,” said the agent.

Parks’s gaze was on King. “May I ask why you were handling your gun? You weren’t on duty.”

“I thought there was a prowler around my house.”

“Was there?”

“No. Just an old acquaintance.”

Parks looked at him strangely, but apparently decided against pursuing the matter.

“Care to tell me my motive?” asked King.

“The man works for you. Maybe he was stealing, or maybe he found out you were stealing from clients and tried to blackmail you. You arrange to meet him and kill him.”

“Nice theory, only he wasn’t stealing from me, and I wasn’t stealing from my clients because I don’t have direct access to any of their funds. Check it out.”

“Oh, we will but that’s just two possibilities. Another might be that you somehow found out Jennings was WITSEC, and you let that slip to the wrong people.”

“And they killed him with my gun that was in my holster?”

“Or you did it to pocket the fee.”

“So now I’m a hit man.”

“Did you know Jennings was WITSEC?”

King hesitated an instant too long, at least to his thinking. “No.”

“Care to take a polygraph on that?”