“. . . but also are survivors. When we’re knocked down, we get up again.”

That’s at least partially true. I didn’t quit when I was nearly on the dole in the army. I put up with it, starved, until I saw an opportunity to better myself.

“Is there a point to this, Inge?”

“And then there is the other thing.”

“What other thing?”

“What happened to us the first time we were alone. And again just now.”

Okay, now I understand. I wonder why I didn’t see it coming?

She wants to buy my protection with her body.

Well, what the hell, let her think that. What have I got to lose?

When the time comes, I can eliminate her.

“Yes,” he said, and gave in to the temptation to put his hand into the opening of the terry-cloth robe.


, she’s got a great body!

Control yourself, for Christ’s sake!

He withdrew his hand as she put her hand on the sheet covering him.

“You said something about money in the poufter’s safe?”

“About two hundred thousand American dollars and fifty thousand English pounds.”

A pound is worth four point one U.S. dollars. She’s talking about another $200,000. My God!

“Why so much?”

“Well, after they decided to go to Paraguay, Werner just about stopped sending money to Germany. They’re going to take it with them when they go.”

Well, if he left all that money here, he’s going to come back for it.

“When do you think he’ll be coming back?”

“I don’t really know. Probably not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Or the next day. They’re driving, and the road from the Brazilian border isn’t really safe at night.

God, am I glad I asked that question!

“As much as I hate to say this, Inge, you’re going to have to put your clothing back on. . . .”

“Oh, really?” she said, and made a sad face.

“And go to your house and bring everything in the safe back here. Everything.”

He saw the look in her eyes.

“You’re going to have to trust me, Inge,” he said, and took her hand. “Before this situation gets out of control and we’re both in trouble.”

She considered that a moment.