“He said ‘new Kraut buddy.’ Probably Gehlen.”

“Pinocchio because his nose grows when he’s lying?”

“What else, Allen?” Graham said.


“Captain Madison R. Sawyer III, formerly Number Three on the Ramapo Valley polo team.”

“The Brewery is where Frade has the Froggers?”

“It’s his house in the vineyards of his Estancia Don Guillermo in the foothills of the Andes Mountains near Mendoza. He told me the entire Marine Raider Battalion couldn’t get up the mountain to take it.”

Dulles chuckled, then asked, “Big-Z?”

“SS-Brigadeführer Manfred von Deitzberg.”


“Sturmbannführer Werner von Tresmarck, who runs that obscene confidential fund operation; he’s light on his feet and does exactly what von Deitzberg tells him because otherwise he goes to Sachsenhausen with a pink triangle on his chest.”

“That would tend to make him behave, I suppose. Sausage?”

“Anton von Gradny-Sawz, first secretary of the German Embassy.”


“Major Frade has declined to give me his name,” Graham said dryly. “But I suspect he’s Colonel Alejandro Martín of the BIS. I don’t think Frade has turned him, but I think it’s safe to say that Martín has decided that the gringos are less of a danger to Argentina than the Nazis. He’s been helpful. Very helpful.”

“I presume ‘Bigtoys’ means the Constellations?” Dulles said.

“What else could it mean? But what’s that about von Deitzberg being ordered to destroy them? Ordered by who?”

“The only thing that comes to mind is that Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels is unhappy—for his propaganda purposes—with Argentina having better transport aircraft than Lufthansa,” Dulles said. “But I rather doubt that he has that much influence over Himmler, who would have to issue that order.”

“Maybe it came from Hitler; Goebbels has influence with him.”

“I just don’t know,” Dulles said.

“Now, that’s worrisome,” Dulles said.

“Yes, it is.”

“The question is who turned whom.”

“My God, Allen! He’s a Marine with the Navy Cross! What I meant was that he told him ‘just about everything.’ ”

Dulles looked as if he was about to reply but then had changed his mind.

“Well, I can make a good guess who he means by ‘Princeton,’ ” Allen W. Dulles, BA Princeton ’14, MA Princeton ’16, said, smiling. “But the Valkyrie business is worrisome.”

“You did get that message? That Martín has someone in the Argentine Embassy in Berlin?”

“And I have been working on it, so far unsuccessfully.”

Graham nodded thoughtfully, then said, “Are you going to pass around that the Argentines know about Valkyrie?”

“I’ll have to think, very carefully, about that. All of those involved do not have von Stauffenberg’s courage and determination; if they heard this they’d be likely to pull back. I wish there was some way I could get to Argentina and discuss the players with Colonel Frogger, but I don’t see how I could arrange that.”