elieve, the day after you and Hansel were commissioned.”

“Yes, Sir,” Willi said.

The Graf waved him into the banquette.

“Please accept my condolences on the loss of your father,” the Graf said. “Hansel just informed me.”

“That’s very kind of you, Sir. Thank you.”

“Korvettenkapitän Boltitz, Herr Generalleutnant,” Karl said, rendering a bent-elbow Nazi salute.

“I believe I have the privilege of your father’s acquaintance,” the Graf said, returning the salute. “Vizeadmiral Boltitz?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I’m always happy to meet a friend of my son who is the son of one of my friends,” the Graf said.

“Thank you, Sir.”

Unfortunately, Karl thought, I am not his friend. I am an intelligence officer who has been forced to conclude that your son may well be a traitor.

“Hansel tells me that you work for Admiral Canaris,” the Graf said. “I knew him years ago, but unfortunately, even at Wolfsschanze, I hardly ever get to see him.”

“The Admiral is a very busy man, Herr Generalleutnant.”

The waiter appeared with two large glasses of beer.

“What will you gentleman have?” the Graf asked.

“The same,” Willi and Karl said on top of each other.

“Are you stationed in Berlin, Hauptmann Grüner?”

“I am—or was—outside Berlin. I had Hansel’s old squadron, Sir, but I’ve been transferred.”

“Oh? And where are you going now?”

“With all respect, Sir, I’m not allowed to say.”

So he does have something to do with a state secret, Karl thought. Last night, I thought he was just being clever about that. I’ll have to find out what that is.

Hauptmann von und zu Happner came into the bar and found them. Introductions were made.

“Will you have a beer, Ziggie, before you go home?” the Graf asked.

“If the Generalleutnant is sure that—”

“We’ve been over that, Ziggie,” the Graf interrupted.

“Then I will decline with thanks, Herr Generalleutnant. There’s a train to Dresden in about twenty minutes.”

“Have a nice time, Ziggie. Please present my regards to Frau von und zu Happner.”

“Thank you, Sir,” von und zu Happner said, clicked his heels, gave the Nazi salute, and walked out of the bar.

“Hauptmann,” the Graf said. “Hansel and I are on the three-oh-five to Wachtstein. There’s not much to do there but drink beer and eat sausages, but if you don’t have better plans, we both would be pleased to have you join us.”

“That’s very kind of you, Sir,” Willi said, “but I’m on the five-fifteen to Augsburg.”