"But enough to tell you how dangerous this would be in the wrong hands?"

Clete nodded.

"I really am grateful," Mart¡n said. "So will a number of other people be grateful."

"Just keep me up to date on Colonel Goltz's plans for Ettinger." Clete said. "and we'll call it square."

"I would have done that anyway," Mart¡n said. "I am offended at the notion of a foreigner coming into my country, cloaked in diplomatic immunity, and or-dering someone killed. Are you sure there's nothing else I can do for you?"

"How good are you at obtaining import permits?"

"What kind of import permits?"

"For an airplane, for example."

"What kind of an airplane?"

"My father's airplane seems to be missing."

"A rumor is going around that it's on the bottom of Samboromb¢n Bay, near where the Reine de la Mer blew up."

"I hadn't heard that," Clete said. "Anyway, I need an airplane."


"For someone obviously aware of the advantages of having a light airplane at your disposal, that's an odd question, wouldn't you say?"

"Indulge me."

"I have recently learned that I have a vineyard in Cordoba...."

"Of course, San Bosco."

"And other property around the country."

"And you'd like to be able to fly around and look at it from time to time, is that it?"


"Well, import permits are a little out of my line, but I'll look into it for you."


"What kind of a plane did you have in mind to import? Another stagger-wing?"

"They don't make stagger-wings anymore, unfortunately. But I happen to know where I can lay my hands on a twin-engine Beech-same manufac-turer-in Brazil."

"In Brazil? You mean you could fly it in? It wouldn't have to be brought in by ship?"

"It could be flown in."

"That might make things a good deal simpler. Let me ask some questions."

"Discreet questions, please, mi Coronel."

"Of course, discreet questions," Mart¡n said. "And now I am somewhat em-barrassed to find myself imposing on your generosity again."

"How is that?"