"I'm sure our mutual friend would like that, and I am equally sure he real-izes that would not be possible," he said. "My orders are to assist you in bring-ing the airplane here from Brazil, on condition that you teach me how to fly it, and that the airplane be placed at Coronel Martin's disposal at a time he has specified-he has a three-day period in mind."

What the hell is that all about? OK!

"In case Outline Blue goes wrong? To take certain people out of the coun-try in a hurry?"

Delgano held up both hands, palms outward, and shrugged.

What did I expect him to say ?

"Are those conditions acceptable, mi Mayor?"

Clete nodded.

"Then let's try to bring the airplane here," Delgano said. "Where is it now?"

"Somewhere in Brazil."

"You don't know where?"

Clete shook his head, "no."

"But you can find out? We'll need to know that."

"I can find out."

"The scheme is to put the registration numbers of the stagger-wing on the new plane. And then to change the fuselage serial number-and the number of engines-on the Argentine registration documents. The numbers can be put on here, or where the aircraft is now. The question then becomes how to fly the air-craft from where it is in Brazil to an airfield in Argentina. That airfield will ob-viously depend on where the aircraft is in Brazil and its range."

"Changing the registration papers will be that easy?"

"I don't know how easy, but I'm sure Coronel Mart¡n can arrange it."

"I don't know the stagger-wing's numbers."

Delgano reached in his pocket and handed him a slip of paper. "If it could be done, it would be helpful to have the aircraft painted the same color-which I understand is called 'Beechcraft Stagger-wing Red.'"

"Yeah," Clete said. "Let me look into that."

Delgano put out his hand. Clete looked at it.

"The sooner this can be done, the better," Delgano said. "Can I tell Coronel Mart¡n that I expect to hear from you soon?"

"We're about to have a revolution, are we?" Clete asked.

Then he took Delgano's hand.

"I really didn't expect you to answer that," he said, then turned and walked away from Delgano.

Enrico was standing at the entrance to the path through the garden. "Why didn't you tell me Delgano was here?" Clete asked.

"You didn't ask me," Enrico replied.


Office of the Director

The Office of Strategic Services

Washington, D.C.