"What kind of a deal?"

"I have the feeling, Commander, which I don't like, that you think I'm sup-posed to ask your approval of my actions."

"You are supposed to coordinate your actions with mine, Major. I presume Colonel Graham is aware of your plans?"

"He knows that I'm going to pick up the airplane at Porto Alegre two days from now. That's all."

There was a knock at the door, and a maid came in carrying a tray with two pots on it. She laid it on the desk.

Clete was pleased when Tony, helping himself from one of the pots, said, more in surprise than indignation, "Shit, this is hot chocolate!"

"Paratroopers don't drink sissy chocolate, right?"

"This one does. The coffee here dissolves my stomach."

Commander Delojo waited until the maid left the room, poured himself a cup of coffee, diluted it with cream and added sugar, and then asked, "You are bringing the C-45 in black, is that it?"

"Let's say 'covertly.' Not black."

"I don't think I understand the distinction."

"Let's say that I'm confident I can get the airplane from Porto Alegre into Argentina via Santo Tome, and from Santo Tome to Estancia San Pedro y San Pablo, without any trouble."

"This has something do with Galahad and/or Cavalry?"

"I'm surprised you're familiar with those names."


sp; "I have a radio from Director Donovan asking me to identify them."

"When did you get that?"

"Last night."

"From Donovan? Not Graham?"

"From Director Donovan. Who are they?"

"I'm not at liberty to tell you," Clete said.

"Doesn't the fact that Director Donovan has directed me to identify these people give you the 'liberty'?"

"I'm afraid not."

"You understand that I will have to reply that I asked you for their identi-ties, and you refused to give them to me?"

"I've already informed Oracle that I cannot identify these people," Clete said. "Look, I'm offering to help you get the team and their equipment into Ar-gentina. If you don't want me to help, fine."

"I really can't understand your attitude, Major," Delojo said. "You're not being at all cooperative."

"Does that mean you don't want my help?"

"How do you propose to help?"

"How are you communicating with Porto Alegre? I mean, who at Porto Alegre?"

"We have an agent there."