"On the other hand, Delojo is a Regular Navy officer and gentleman, and look what happened to me when I trusted him."

"He took advantage of your innocence," Clete said. "I wouldn't do that."


looked at him thoughtfully.

"How'd you arrange for someplace to land?"

"That I can't tell you. It's arranged."

"How are you going to get across the border into Brazil?"

"That's arranged, too."

"And from Sao Borja to Porto Alegre?"

"How much do you think Consuelo would want to take me, maybe take the both of us, to Porto Alegre?"

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Ashton said. "I think the 'smuggler' will be watching us. He's a little too obliging."

"Is there a train, or a bus, from Sao Borja to Porto Alegre? Or could I rent a car there?"

"It's not much of a town. I'm not sure you could rent a car at all, and even if you could, it would attract attention. And how would you get it back, if you fly back here?"

"Then it's a train or a bus?"

"Unless you can think of something else," Ashton said. "When do you want to go?"

"As soon as possible."

"The last ferry leaves at six-thirty, unless it's full. If it's full, then it leaves whenever it's full after five. Can you make that?"

Clete looked at his watch.

"I'll give it a hell of a try. If I can't make it tonight, I'm sure I can be on the first ferry in the morning. I suggest you go to Porto Alegre, tell Colonel Whatsisname that I'm on the way, and get your people ready."

Ashton looked at him thoughtfully again.

"You're sure you'll have an airplane when you get there?"

Clete nodded.

"Jesus, I hate to tell Consuelo to put her clothes on," Ashton said. "But I guess I have to."

Clete looked at his watch.

"It's not quite three," Clete said. "That gives us two hours to make the ferry. I'll try to be on it."

"I was really looking forward to tonight," Ashton said. "You understand what a sacrifice you're asking of me? Sweet girls like Consuelo don't come down the pike very often-Consuelo means 'consolation,' by the way."

"Neither does an offer that will keep you from jumping out of an airplane or paddling across that river."

"That's true," Ashton said.

"Where do I go when I arrive in Porto Alegre?"

"The Gran Hotel de Porto," Ashton said. "That's now the Air Corps BOQ. It's not far from the Navy base. I think it would be better to check in with me before you go see Colonel Wallace."