"Just the man I'm looking for," the Marine said. "My name is Graham."

"How may I be of service, Colonel?"

"You can point me in the direction of the nearest head," Graham said. "And then I would like a few minutes of your time."

"I guess the Officers' Club is as close as anyplace," Wallace said, gesturing toward his car. "Unless you would prefer, Colonel, to let me have you set up in the VIP quarters?"

"The Club would be fine, thank you," Graham said.

"Can I still find something to eat h

ere?" Graham asked when he had come out of the restroom and joined Wallace at a table in the barroom.

"Of course," Wallace said, signaling to a waiter.

"All I had on the plane was a bologna sandwich and a banana," Graham said.

"Well, we'll get you something here-the beef is invariably good-and then we'll take you to my office and settle your paperwork with my adjutant. How long will you be with us, Colonel?"

"Not long," Graham said. "I don't think I'll have to get involved with your adjutant."

"Excuse me?"

Graham reached in his pocket, didn't find what he was he was looking for, and then searched his other pockets until he did. He handed Wallace a some-what battered envelope containing a single sheet of paper.



1 January 1943

Subject: Letter Orders

To: Colonel A.F. Graham, USMCR

Office of Strategic Services

Washington, D.C.

You will proceed to such destinations as your duties require by U.S. Government or civilian motor, rail, sea or air transportation as is most expedient. JCS Travel Priority AAAAAA-1 is assigned. The wearing of civilian attire is authorized.

United States Military or Naval commands are authorized and directed to provide you with whatever assistance of any kind you may require to accomplish your mission(s).

By Order of The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff: OFFICIAL:

Matthew J. Markham

Lieutenant General, USAAC

J-3, JCS

"I don't think I've ever seen any orders like that," Colonel Wallace said, and then blurted: "We had some of your people in here recently, I expect you know."

"That was going to be my first question to you," Graham said, and then no-ticed the waiter was standing by the table. "You say the beef is good?"


"I would like a steak, a New York strip, medium rare. French fried potatoes and a sliced tomato. Could I get that?"