“I stuffed myself in there when the lock turned. I mean, there is only room for one in there.”

“You still haven’t explained why you’re here, in this apartment.”

“I was looking for information on where to find Kosikov.” He glanced around the room. “I’d be sorry for the mess I made, except that Kosikov is a real piece of work. He wanted to kidnap you and ransom you to our cousins in Italy. That’s why I came over here. Kosikov advanced the deal even before they snatched you. That Pearson is a cagey one. He’s been working that slime Kosikov, but he must have hidden in the panic room while Kosikov’s men came in and took Jessica. At first, I thought they had you. All I saw in the alley was the flash of blonde hair.”

It took several seconds for Chrissy to even speak. Several times her lips parted, but no words came out. Clear as day, a fount of emotions rolled across her face from sadness, to anger, to guilt. “You saw this? And did nothing?” Chrissy demanded angrily.

“What did you expect me to do? It’s not like I can go to the police and announce that a Ukrainian crime boss was trying to extort money from an Italian one.”

“He has a point,” Saks murmured.

Pandolfo Serafini looked to Saks. “And what are you doing here?”

“Protecting Chrissy. Which is what her family should have done in the first place.”

Pandolfo Serafini snorted. “As if my granddaughter isn’t as stubborn as the rest of the women in the family. The best I could do was get Vince to push up the surgery to get Chrissy to leave London.”

“You did what?” Chrissy exclaimed. Her eyes were blazing.

“What did you expect me to do, young lady? You didn’t listen to any of us.”

“And you did nothing to protect Jessica?”

“No. Look, it wasn't like that. I only got here yesterday. All I found out was Kosikov delayed the hand-off. But I got word today that that the deal was back on, so I came here to find out what I could.”

“And I brought her here. And now she's disappeared,” Chrissy said, her voice cracking.

“Yes,” Pandolfo sighed, “yes, you’re right, and I have no idea how to find her.”

“That's okay, Grandpa. Saks and I have a couple ideas.”

NOT FAR FROM THE APARTMENT, Saks and Chrissy sat in a quaint pub. Red brick walls made up the room, and a circular bar jutted out opposite the front wall. Many of the patrons hefted pints of beer, one after another. For all the years Saks had helped out at his cousin’s bar, he’d never seen people guzzle so much beer at one time.

London apparently had its charms.

Unfortunately, enjoying the sights and flavors wasn’t on his docket. Keeping an eye on Chrissy was at the top of his list, and he had to do so while being uncomfortable. Just as they’d been about to leave Pearson’s apartment, she’d told him he needed to leave his Spawn jacket behind since it would be like wearing a neon sign. Now, he sat in one of Pearson’s wool coats, which was uncomfortably snug in the shoulders.

They sat back to back, her at one table and him at another, as they paid no mind to each other like the strangers they pretended to be. The pint Saks had in front of him he’d been nursing for quite a while, since he didn’t want to actually get drunk. He needed to be at the top of his game in case anything happened.

“No, thank you; I’m waiting for someone,” Chrissy said for the third time since they’d arrived. Saks' hand tightened on the handle of his pint. Of course, Chrissy would attract attention. She was gorgeous, and to make things worse she’d taken off her engagement ring before coming out. He’d heard Englishmen were less friendly than Americans, but you couldn’t tell that by the way the men in this pub hit on her.

“Hello,” a smarmy, almost sultry voice cooed from behind. “I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”

“Oh, hi, Alexi.” Chrissy’s voice was light and soft, as if she was genuinely glad to see him. “I’m so glad you had time to meet me tonight.”

“Of course. How could I say no when a stunning woman asks me out?”

Try to say no to my fist, Saks thought to himself as he gripped the edge of the table to keep himself from pouncing on the guy before they’d learned a thing.

“Can I get you something?” Alexi asked.

“No, thank you; I’m fine.”

“Be right back.” The moment Saks saw the man walk up to the bar he growled at his backside.

“He’s friendly,” Saks said under his breath.

“Quiet, you,” Chrissy whispered urgently.