Saks admitted he was exhausted. The trip from the hospital took more from him than he’d expected. The pain in his shoulder notched higher with each heartbeat. But he had to put some things together before he could proceed with the plan he an

d Luke worked out. “Bedroom.”

“Off we go.”

Sakes leaned on Hawk as they maneuvered to his room. He sank to the bed and stretched out. He’d rest for a few minutes.

“Do you need anything?”

“Can you pick up my pain medicine? The hospital called it in.” Saks fumbled for his wallet and handed Hawk a twenty. “That’ll more than cover it. The pharmacy has my insurance info.”


“Luke’s a good boss.”

“I’ve heard. I wonder if you can put in a good word for me.”

“I’ll talk to him. No promises.” Or you could just ask the guy yourself.

“Sure. Thanks.”

“Pharmacy’s the first one on the right when you turn left out of the parking lot.”

“Luke mentioned he’s coming by, too. He just had to go to the shop first. Do you want me to wait until he comes?”

“Nah. I’ll be okay. Just leave the door unlocked for him.”

“You sure?”


“Didn’t your cop cousin say it wasn’t safe?”

“No one’s coming by, Hawk. They arrested the idiots. I’m not in danger. Louis’ just paranoid. Been a cop too long.”

“Fine. I’m not going to argue with you. You want the light on or off?”


“I’ll be back soon.

When the door shut, Saks blew out a breath he didn’t realize he’d held as he pressed his hand to his hurt shoulder. In the privacy of his apartment, and only to himself, he admitted that perhaps it would have been better to stay in the hospital. But, no. He was a tough guy. No problem leaving the hospital two days after surgery.

He was a freaking idiot.

Maybe sleep would help. He closed his eyes and forced himself to try to relax. It wasn’t working very well.

“Hello?” a soft voice called out.

Saks’ eyelids popped open. Was he dreaming?

“Saks. It’s me, Chrissy.”

What the hell?

“In here,” he called. Hating that he sounded weak. Why the hell was she here? She’d left. Maybe... Nah, she wasn’t here for him. Shit, she’d probably hired the goons to shoot him and was coming back to finish the job herself.

“Can you come out here?”