“He belongs to a biker club? Which one?”

“Shades something or other. I don’t remember.”

“Hades’ Spawn?” Gloria’s eyes got wide again.

“Yeah, that sounds right. How do you know about them?”

“Everyone does. Are you blind and deaf? They were in all the papers a couple years back. One of their members was shot dead in front of his home by the Hombres. There was some argument over a drug deal with the bikers. And somehow the Rojos biker gang got involved and kidnapped one of the Hades’ Spawn. In the end the President, Vice President, and Sergeant-At-Arms of the Spawn went to jail for drug dealing.”

“The club deals drugs?” Chrissy was appalled. She had no interest in getting involved with a drug dealer. Though she might turn a blind eye to her own family’s business interests, she didn’t want that directly in her life.

Gloria shook her head. “No. Everyone else was cleared. But it was a real mess.”

“All the more reason to keep away from him. Jeez, Gloria, Grandpa really would have a fit if I spent time with a man like that.”

“Sure, but it’s okay to hang out with boys from the crew,” she said sarcastically.

“You do,” Chrissy said pointedly.

“Yes. I do. I’ve explained that to you. I love Marcus. And I’m going to marry him one day.”

Chrissy dropped to their leather couch and sighed. “What the hell am I supposed to do?”

Gloria sat on the loveseat kitty-corner to the couch. “About what

? The biker or Grandpa?”

Chrissy picked up the couch pillow and buried her face in it. “I'm so fucked,” she said, muffling the words in the pillow.

The problem was, despite her resolve, she did want to see Saks again. Or, rather, she wanted to get lost in his passionate kisses and let him do whatever he wanted with her body. She sat up straight and pulled her phone from her purse to see if he’d sent a text yet. As she held the phone, it rang, but to her disappointment it wasn’t Saks. It was her assistant, Jessica. “Hello? Jess?”

“Oh, Chrissy,” Jessica said, in a voice near a whisper. “I think you’d better get here quick.”

“What? Why?”

“Because that jerk, Hamilton, has been parading a string of people here through his office. And it took a triple-shot mocha latte and a dozen donuts to that snake, Chloe, to find out why. He’s interviewing people for your job.”

Alarm shot through Chrissy. “He’s what? There has to be a mistake. Chloe’s just trying to gaslight you.”

That would exactly be Chloe’s style. Still, Richard did act cold on Saturday despite the extra day she put in at his request, and it was unusual for him to give her the day off.

“I don’t know, Chrissy. Chloe showed me the list of people he has appointments with. I Googled a few of them, the names I could remember anyway, and they’re all in communications.”

“Dammit!” Chrissy rubbed her forehead. “What am I supposed to do? He gave me the day off. I’ll look desperate if I show up now.”

“Or like you’re a go-getter.”

“You might be right. Get together a list of the headhunters who have called me over the past year and email it to me. And start assembling a presentation book for me with our campaigns; say, the top ten or so.”

“You sure about this?”

“Yes. One thing I know is that you don’t stay where you aren’t wanted.”

“Okay, Chrissy,” Jessica said. “Only, take me with you if you can. You’re the only one who makes working here tolerable.”

“I’ll do what I can, Jess.”

“I’ve got to go. Chloe’s on her way over and she’s got that evil look in her eye.”