“Oh shit, something I should know about?” Saks started grinning, momentarily forgetting about the woman beside him.

“Little Robbie’s going to be big brother in about six months.”

Saks held out his hand. “Congrats, man.”

Luke gave Emily a quick hug around her shoulders. “Yup. I’m a lucky man.”

“Who was your friend, Saks?” Emily asked. “I hope we didn’t scare her away.”

“Was?” Saks looked around and found Gloria had deserted the group. He spotted her checking out the buffet. “No one important.” Instantly he felt like a shit for saying it. What if one day he had to introduce her as his fiancée?

Not if he could help it.

The door swung open again, and Saks’ breath caught in his throat as a flash of golden hair caught his attention. His heart beat faster when he confirmed what his body already knew. It was Chrissy standing at the door. A dark-haired man also pushed into the room just behind her, and Saks’ heart sank as he helped her take off her coat. Of course, she’d have a boyfriend. A beautiful woman like her had to have one.

He watched as her brilliant caramel eyes scanned the room. He had no idea why she was here. She’d barely answered his texts, and he’d finally given up trying. He got it. She was slumming it, getting a piece of the bad-boy biker before she hiked back to her regular life.

But now she dragged her life into his by showing up here. Why would she do that?

As she walked, her pretty skirt clung to her thighs and the top seemed to have been made for her breasts alone. She and her boyfriend took a booth, and the guy went to the bar and spoke to John, who shrugged as he spoke. Then the man craned his neck and nodded, then walked toward the buffet.


Saks took one last pull of his beer, eyeing the guy. What did he have that Saks didn’t? A fire lit in him. His mother called it Italian ire, though it was more La Morte as his eyes swiveled to Chrissy. Whatever was going on, she had no business treating him so coldly. And he was going to give her a piece of his mind.

Once his course of action was set, he crossed the bar without thinking about what he was going to do. He slid into the booth and plastered a big smile on his face. “Hello, Chrissy.”

Her face morphed into pure shock. “Hi, Saks. I didn’t expect to see you here tonight.”

“Oh, I get that, sweetheart. You seem to be a very busy woman.”

“Work has taken up my time. But, really, I’m supposed to be here to meet someone.”

“Really? Wouldn’t your boyfriend object to that?”

“Boyfriend?” Her eyebrows pressed together. “What’re you talking about?”

“Don’t play innocent. You should’ve been straight with me from the beginning. I don’t fuck other men’s women.”

“Fuck?” Her face flushed. “Is that what I was, a fuck?”

“No, darling,” Saks said, surprised at how angry she looked, and more surprised at his own indignation. “I was the fuck. But I’m glad you enjoyed it. At least you seemed to when you were screaming my name when you came.”

Her eyes flashed in pure fury, but Saks didn’t care. Had he known the truth, he’d never taken her home regardless of what his dick thought.


Her hand connected with his cheek, sending a shower of white sparks through his vision.

“You ass! Get the fuck away from me right now!”

Saks stood, ignoring the pain in his cheek, and glared at her. “With pleasure,” he snapped.

“Hey!” a male voice behind him hissed. A strong hand spun him to meet the face of the guy that arrived with Chrissy. “This guy bothering you?” The guy glanced at Chrissy before turning back to Saks. “What’s your problem?”

“Ask your girlfriend,” Saks spat.

“My girlfriend?” he said with confusion.