"Why? Doesnae bother me at all."

I'd rather tear that robe off her body, but I'm not abod ceann. Only a dickhead would seduce Ashley before she understands how "quirky" I am.

Ashley trots off to her bedroom and returns a few minutes later fully dressed. "Let's go."

She's wearing a knee-length coat, and I have to ask her about that. "Are ye cold?"

"No. But we're supposed to have a low in the fifties tonight, so I figured I'd need a light jacket. Sunset is at nine twenty-one." She ties the belt of her jacket around her waist. "I'm not sure what the difference is between civil and astronomical twilight, so I can't say for sure when it will actually get dark."

"Are you a meteorologist?"

"No. I was a librarian, but I got laid off last year. That's when I decided to find the Grand Canyon treasure."

"How does a librarian know so much about the weather?"

She brings her mobile out of her jacket pocket and turns it toward me. "The apps on my phone told me."

"Apps? How many have you got?"

The lass averts her gaze. "I have five weather apps on my phone. Each one has different features, and sometimes the radar images are slightly different in each one."

I can't help chuckling. "You are adorable, Ashley. Tell me all about your weather apps while we drive to Dùndubhan."

"You don't think I'm crazy?"

"Aye, ye are. But so am I."

We climb into my car, since I know the way and I prefer to drive. I can tell she wants to argue about that, but the lass has enough sense not to push the issue. Arguing would only encourage me to fuck her right here in the car, in the front seat, while we're rolling down the road. I've never tried that before, but this woman knows how to knock me off my head.

Just as we're pulling out onto the street, I notice a vehicle parked two houses down. A man sits inside it, and as we pass the car, I swear I recognize him. But no, it can't be Christian Frisk. My former business partner moved to New Zealand. Since I didn't get a good look at the driver, I must have been mistaken.

Ashley gets very animated while she tells me all about her weather apps. I have apps too, but for reasons she probably wouldn't understand. The lass will find out soon enough what I use my mobile for—besides making phone calls. Magnus and Piper have seen what I can do firsthand. I doubt they would approve of what I mean to show Ashley, but I need to know she can handle me and my "quirks" before I agree to do what she wants.

The lass does have a beautiful body. But that's not a good enough reason to go on her impossible expedition.

As we approach the castle, coming up the drive but not in sight of the compound yet, Ashley has finally stopped havering about her weather apps. So I tell her, "For your information, civil twilight is when the sun has set but you can still see objects clearly. Nautical twilight means that you can make out the shapes of objects, but you can't see them clearly."

"Oh. Thank you for explaining that."

"I'm not finished." I hold the steering wheel with one hand while I lay my other palm on her thigh. "Astronomical twilight means that it's essentially dark, but you won't be able to see less obvious celestial objects like galaxies and nebulas."

She hasn't objected to my hand on her thigh, so I keep it there.

"How do you know so much about astronomy?" she asks. "I thought you were a treasure hunter."

"I am. But understanding the nuances of twilight can be important if you want to know when is the best time to measure the astronomical alignments of ancient sites."

"That makes sense." She lays her hand over mine. "You are very smart, Errol."

"So are you, Ashley. Your knowledge of weather apps is encyclopedic."


I pick up her hand and kiss it. "Not joking. I love that you're fascinated with weather. Do you have any other secret hobbies?"

"Well, I do enjoy crossword puzzles."

"Riddles are my style."