Ashley stretches her arms above her head and sighs. "Getting clean does sound good. I've gotten so dirty."

Is it my imagination, or did she say that in a husky tone?

Ashley stands up and unzips her sweatshirt. Aye, she has a T-shirt on under that, but still, she seems to be undressing right here on the shores of the Colorado River.

"What are ye doing, lass?" I ask, and now my voice has grown huskier too.

She turns toward me and drops her sweatshirt on the ground, then kicks off her shoes. Her socks go next.

I cannae move. My erse has become glued to the ground.

Ashley strips off her shirt and trousers. "Does this answer your question?"

The lass gets rid of her bra and knickers too.

Oh, aye, now even my muddled brain could crack the code of what she means to do. So I jump up and shed my clothes slightly faster than she stripped. We both leap into the water, wading in up to our chests. Her tits float in the water, and I cannae stop my eyes from veering down to admire those bonnie breasts. I've seen her naked before, but somehow this feels like the first time again.

Ashley links her arms around my neck. "I've never gone skinny dipping in the dark. Actually, I've never gone skinny dipping, period."

"I have."

"Why does that not surprise me? The man who blows things up isn't shy about swimming naked."

"Not shy, full stop. I went to a nudist resort once, when my cousin Catriona married Alex Thorne. They wore clothes during the ceremony, but as soon as it ended, Alex whipped his kit off."

Ashley laughs. "A nudist wedding? You know a lot of crazy people, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. So donnae assume I'm the craziest, because I absolutely am not."

"I believe you." She pastes her body to mine. "Let's make love in the Colorado River, under the same stars that have lit this spot since the beginning of time."

"You read my mind,mo chridhe."

I push inside her body slowly, relishing the sensation of her silky wet flesh conforming to my cock. She exhales a satisfied sigh and wraps her legs around my hips, rocking them just enough to sink my length even deeper inside her. A soft wee moan spills from her lips. I begin to thrust gently, while I take possession of her mouth and spread my palms on her back, tugging her more firmly against me. Her breasts are mashed to my chest, their rigid tips scraping against my skin.

She feels so fucking wonderful.

Ashley moans in the sweetest way when I tease the roof of her mouth with my tongue, even while I keep thrusting at a leisurely pace. The river flows around us, but our movements create wavelets that lap against our bodies.

I tear my mouth away from hers and gaze up at the starry sky. Even while I keep shagging her, I find myself saying, "Look up,gràidh. Look at the sky."

She glances up, and a smile curves her lips. The moonlight glows on her bonnie face, and I cannae stop myself. I rush out of the water while still holding her to me, and I pause in my thrusting only long enough to lie her down on the grass. Then I start moving again, rolling my hips in a circular motion, pushing even deeper inside her, bracing myself with my elbows on the ground. Her face lies just below my chin, and her hair tickles my lips.

Then my brain finally reminds me of something vital.

"Mhac na galla," I hiss. "Forgot a condom."

The lass rolls us over and disentangles herself from me so she can crawl on all fours toward her backpack. I hear a zipping sound, then she returns to me—with a foil packet held between her teeth, glistening in the moonlight. I take the packet from her and cover myself.

"Still raring to go?" she asks.

"Oh, aye, donnae worry about that." I flip us over and lie down on top of her as I plunge inside her body, groaning deeply. "Love the way you feel,gràidh."

Ashley grips me with her entire body, from her arms and legs lashed around me to the silky recesses of her body. Her mouth grazes my throat with every thrust. She alternately gasps and moans, while her breaths grow ragged and quicker, a sure sign she'll come soon.

When she drags her nails down my back, I suck in a breath, and myslatthrobs. Then she sinks her nails into my erse while tightening her inner muscles around me.

"Bod an Donais," I hiss. "Donnae do that, unless yer wanting me to explode like one of my mines."