"What's so bloody amazing?" Munro says, in his usual grumpy tone.

Ashley removes her hand, and I grab Munro's wrist to slap his palm over the crevice.

My cousin's brows lift. "A draft. That's interesting, but you still don't know—"

"Haud her wheesht. Ahmno done yet." I pick up another item I'd gotten out of my bag and raise it. "Step two."

Munro eyes the tool with suspicion. "You think that will help."

"Aye, I do." Raising the crowbar, I insert the tapered end into the crevice. It's a tight fit, but I already cleared out the dirt, so I think I can make this work. "Move away, Ashley. Donnae want to hit you by mistake."

She backs away.

"You too, Munro," I say.

He grunts and moves to stand beside Ashley.

I jam the crowbar into the crevice and try to lever the doorway open. Maybe it moves on hinges. I try to pry it open like a stuck door, but that doesn't work either. I go back to using the crowbar as a lever, employing all my strength, my muscles burning and sweat dribbling down my face and temples.

With a disgusted shout, I drop the crowbar.

"That doorway," Munro says, "has been there for a long, long time. It won't be easy to get it open."

"Really, Munro? I hadn't noticed."

"Now-now, boys," Ashley says. "Let's not fight. Why don't you try to blow it open, Errol?"

I love that lass.

"Brilliant," Munro declares. "Why don't you see if you can blast the entire Grand Canyon to smithereens while you're at it?"

"You should try optimism, Munro," I respond. "Not all bears are grumpy. Yogi was very cheerful."

"I don't do yoga."

"Yogi Bear is a cartoon character."

Munro grunts again.

"Go into the far corner with Ashley," I tell my cousin. "I'll get ready with the C-4. A smaller amount this time, just enough to rattle the door open, hopefully."

"Hopefully?" Munro shakes his head and looks upward, as if he's hoping to see an angel hovering near the ceiling.

Ashley smiles and gives me the thumbs-up sign with both hands.

I carefully cut some thin slices of the explosive and stick them to the crevice I'd excavated. Then I attach the detonator and set the timer. By the time I jog over to Ashley and Munro, the timer has a few seconds left on it. I shield Ashley's body with my own.


The relatively low-key explosion rumbles through the floor. But when I turn to look at the suspected doorway, nothing has changed. The wall still stands. Did I cock it up somehow? I trot over to the doorway and stand here staring at it with my hands on my hips. I did make a mistake, didn't I?

"Bloody hell," I snarl.

Then I kick the ruddy door with the flat of my foot—which stabs a sharp pain through my foot. Perfect. I've probably broken my toe but accomplished nothing of value. Ashley approaches behind me, accompanied by Munro. We all stare at the damn door that clearly isn't a door after all.

A grinding noise starts up, and bits of the wall crumble to the floor.

"Back away now!" I shout, as I try to herd Ashley and Munro away with my arms spread wide.