"Was it?" I ask. "Errol and Munro managed to scare away all your little toy soldiers."

"How did that outrageous display do you any good? You haven't accomplished anything."

Errol chuckles. "Of course we did. We isolated you from your minions, and we protected the treasure."

"To what end? As soon as you leave, I will take what I want."

"Who said we're leaving?" Errol asks. He strides over to Frisk and crouches an arm's length from the man. "We've got something very special planned for you, mate."

Did Frisk's face just turn a slightly paler shade? I think so.

This will be so much fun.

Chapter Thirty-Five


Aye, I do have something special in mind for Christian Frisk. Maybe I don't need to kneel in front of him and narrow my gaze on thecacan, but I've discovered two things about myself today. One, I cannae stand lying, thieving erseholes like Frisk. And two, I love conning rotten bastards who work for erseholes like Frisk. Those minions deserved to be scared witless. Only eejits would believe that selkies exist and that Munro is one of them. When I stood in front of those men, weaving a barmy tale about Munro the selkie, I experienced a rush that rivals anything I've experienced while solving riddles or hunting for treasure. Only one thing outdoes conning criminals.

Making love to Ashley.

Since I can't do that right now, I'll settle for more conning, just until the law enforcement rangers arrive. I hope more than one ranger comes to help us. They'll need a big raft to hold all these minions.

"I won't confess," Frisk declares. "No matter what you do to me, I will tell the truth—that you three intended to loot these caverns."

"Ye have a strange definition of 'the truth,' Christian." I rise and back up a few paces. "But it won't matter what you say. Six men will testify that you wanted to loot these catacombs, and that neither I, Ashley, or Munro took anything out of these caverns. You've lost, mate. Might as well give up now."

Frisk huffs and turns his gaze away.

"What do we do now?" Ashley asks.

I shrug. "We wait. I don't think we need to worry about those blokes who took off into the caverns. The law enforcement rangers can deal with them. In the meantime, you and I can relax while we let Munro do his wild man voodoo on Frisk."

Ashley sidles up to me and speaks in a voice that's barely a whisper. "What about your raft security system? Don't want the rangers to get hurt."

"I turned it off."

She kisses my cheek, then steps back. "Let's play card games. I know you brought a deck."

"Aye, I did. Might as well play, since we have time to kill before the rangers arrive." I glance at Munro. "Go on, mate. Do that voodoo you do. I expect you'll have Frisk eating out of the palm of your hand in five minutes at most."

"I don't do voodoo," Munro says. "I scare people with my survivalist skills."

"Go on and do that, then."

Frisk scoffs. "Survivalist skills? Oh yes, that's the most terrifying thing I've ever heard of. Threaten me with handmade fishing poles."

What a twat. I'll enjoy watching Munro do his thing.

I find my deck of cards, and Ashley and I sit down a few feet from the pool to play rummy. She suggested sitting here. I would've expected she would prefer to stay well away from the water after what happened earlier. But she seems fine. The lass is resilient. While we begin our game, I keep an eye on the doorway in case Frisk's men come back.

Munro stands near Frisk and just watches thecacan.

Frisk fidgets but keeps scowling at Munro.

Oh, aye, that will work. The Wild Man is so bloody easy to intimidate.

Munro checks his watch. "Time for my afternoon snack."