Page 142 of Rory in a Kilt

Though I hear more voices, I can't make out the words.

"Lachlan!" Erica shouts. "Hurry, something's wrong with Emery."

My heart thuds so hard I gasp. Emery. What's happened to her? I'm reaching for the knob when the door flies open.

Lachlan flaps his arm, urging me to go inside. "Rory, get in here, man. Your wife needs a doctor. Now."

I follow him down the hall to where Erica is holding Emery up with her arms around my wife. When I see the pool of vomit on the floor at Emery's feet, I fight to stay calm. She needs me to take care of her, for once, and I will not let her down this time.

Erica moves aside while I hoist my wife off her feet and clasp her to me.

I curse in Gaelic. "I'm taking you to the hospital."

She nods weakly.

And I barrel out the open door, heading straight for the Mercedes.

Lachlan sprints past us to open the rear door, and I lay Emery on the backseat as gently as I can. Sweeping hair away from her face, I kiss her forehead.

"Donnae worry, love," I whisper. "I'm taking care of you."

Emery lunges her head forward and throws up on the floor.