Page 82 of Rory in a Kilt

I rise to my knees, rolling the condom over myself with more calmness than seems possible. Only Emery turns me into a lunatic, so desperate to have her that I cannae think. When I fall to my hands and knees again, she frisks her palms over my chest, the light caress making me suck in a breath.

"Oh, Rory baby," she drawls, her voice turning husky, "I want you, all of you. On top of me, inside me, any way you want me."

"Emery, mo leannan, I want ye every minute of every day."

I let out a long, deep groan that embodies all my hunger for her in a way I could never express with words. Then I lunge my hips to plow my length deep into her hot, silky flesh. I pause there, my arms shaking from the effort of holding still, but I need to revel in this feeling for a moment longer.

Emery shackles her hands around my biceps.

A need I can't deny compels to me speak. "Say that again."


"Call me—" My lips quiver. "Call me Rory baby again. Keep saying it. Please."

She squeezes my arms. "Rory baby."

I pull out and plunge deep inside her, taking it slow and easy, withdrawing and thrusting over and over, every stroke stealing my breath away as her heat surrounds my cock. Her body hugs my length while I drive in and out, trying so hard to keep the pace measured that sweat beads on my skin and dribbles down my temples.

She moans my name, gasps my name, shouts my name, every cry of "Rory baby" intensifying the sweet tension that's building inside me. Her body tenses, and I know she'll come again any second. With an anguished groan, I bend to cover her mouth with mine, swallowing her cry as her climax strikes and she clings to me through every undulating spasm. That's when it happens. The last thread of my control snaps, and I give in to the unbridled pleasure of making love to my wife, pumping my hips so forcefully that her breasts bounce every time I pound her body into the mattress. Fire sears down my spine, electrifying every nerve in my body and shooting down my cock, triggering a storm of spasms. I throw my head back and roar, unleashing everything inside her with two more powerful thrusts.

I collapse on top of Emery, my head landing on the pillow beside hers, my face buried in her hair.

She cradles me in her arms, seeming not to care that my weight is on top of her and my slat is still nestled inside her body.

A sigh of pure contentment rushes out of me. "My Emery, you are irreplaceable."

I roll off her body. Maybe she didn't notice what I just said. Hadn't meant to say it, but the words tumbled out of me. It means nothing.

Emery flips onto her side and burrows against me, and I curl an arm around her. She pushes herself up with one elbow. "Why did you not want me to close my eyes?"

Though I keep my arm around her, I scrub my face with my free hand. "Does it matter? I rescinded the rule."

"I think it does matter, Rory. To you, for sure. And what matters to you affects me."

But it shouldn't. I've let this happen, this closeness between us, and now I've inadvertently drawn her into my mental prison. Now I have to tell her the truth.

I cover my eyes with one hand. "My third wife, Una. Whenever we were…intimate, and I would, ah…" I feel every muscle in my face cinching up tight. "When I gave her oral sex, she would keep her eyes shut the entire time. I assumed it was a sign she enjoyed it. Only when she left me did she confess the truth."

Emery watches me with a neutral expression.

I need a moment to convince myself to go on. "I had noticed she rarely achieved orgasm during intercourse, but she always came when I used my mouth on her." I squirm but keep my arm around Emery, though I stare up at the ceiling. "On the day she walked out, Una told me she'd made a terrible mistake marrying me. She couldn't be with me or any man because she's gay."

No, I will not look at Emery now. Couldn't stand to see pity on her face.

"I asked her how long she'd known," I say, "about her preference for women. She said she'd always known, for as long as she could remember. I couldn't understand how that could be, since we'd had sex many times. Una told me she could only have an orgasm during oral sex, and only if she closed her eyes and imagined I was a woman."

Emery shifts a little in my hold, but she doesn't speak.

I strap an arm over my face to shield myself from seeing her expression. "During intercourse, she would pretend to like it when she really wanted it to be over as quickly as possible. Our eight months together were, according to Una, the most painful of her life. She cried while telling me all of this, apologized repeatedly for lying to me."

Neither of us speaks for so long that I start to feel nauseous.

"Um…" Emery trails off without speaking a single actual word.

"Go on. You have a question, ask it."

"You don't have to tell me any more than you already have." She lays her hand over mine where it's draped over my arm. "I can't help wondering. Why did Una marry you in the first place?"