Desperately, I cut my tongue and filled my mouth with blood. I gave it to him- But the poison was moving too fast.

He smiled as the blood warmed him and a film of tears covered his eyes.

"Beautiful Marius," he said, as if he were far older than I would ever be. "Beautiful Marius who gave me Venice. Beautiful Marius, give me the Blood. "

We had no more time. I was weeping miserably.

"Would you truly have the Blood, Amadeo?" I asked. "Say it to me, that you forsake the light of the sun forever, and forever you will thrive on the blood of the Evil Doer as I thrive. "

"I vow it, I will it," he answered.

"You'll live forever, unchanging?" I asked, "feeding upon mortals who can be your brothers and sisters no more?"

"Yes, forever unchanging," he answered, "Among them, though they are my brothers and sisters no more. "

Once again, I gave him the Blood Kiss. And then I lifted him and carried him to the bath.

I stripped off his thick and soiled velvet clothes. And into the warm water I placed him, and there with the blood from my mouth I sealed all the cuts in the flesh made by Lord Harlech. I shaved off for all time any beard that he might have.

Now he was ready for the magic as one who had been prepared for sacrifice. And his heart beat slowly and his eyes were too heavy to open anymore.

And in a simple long silk shirt I clothed him and carried him out of the room.

The others were waiting anxiously. What lies I told them I do not know. How mad I was in these moments. To Bianca I gave some solemn charge that she must comfort and thank the others, and that Amadeo's life was safe in my hands.

"Leave us now, my beauty," I said to her. Even as I held him, I kissed her. "Trust in me, and I shall see that you never come to harm. "

I could see that she believed in me. All fear was gone from her.

Within moments Amadeo and I were alone.

Then into my grandest painted salon I took him. It was the room into which I'd copied Gozzoli's magnificent painting The Procession of the Magi, stolen from the original in Florence as a test of my memory and skill.

Into this intense color and variation, I plunged him, setting him down on his feet on the cold marble, and then giving him through the Blood Kiss, the greatest draught of blood which I had given so far.

With the Fire Gift I lighted the candelabra up one side of the chamber and down the other. The painting was bathed in light.

"You can stand now, my blessed pupil," I told him. "My blood runs through you after the poison. We have begun. "

He trembled, fearing to let go of me, his head hanging heavily, his luxuriant hair soft against my hands.

"Amadeo," I said, kissing him once again as the blood flowed over my lips and into his mouth, "what was your name in that lost land?" Again I filled my mouth with blood and I gave it to him. "Reach back for the past, child, and make it part of the future. "

His eyes opened wide.

I stepped away from him. I left him standing. I let loose my red velvet cloak and pushed it away from me.

"Come to me," I said. I held out my arms.

He took the first steps, unsure of himself, so full of my blood that surely the light itself must have amazed him, but his eyes were moving over the multitude of figures painted on the wall. Then he looked directly at me.

How knowing, how clever was his expression! HOW full of triumph he seemed suddenly in his silence and patience. How utterly damned.

"Come, Amadeo, come and take it from me," I said, my eyes full of tears. "You are the victor. Take what I have to give. "

He was in my arms instantly, and I held him warmly, whispering close to his ear.

"Don't be afraid, child, not even for a moment. You'll die now to live forever, as I take your blood and give it back to you. I won't let you slip away. "