That he and his scholars had found such a remnant left me humbled and respecting of what they were.

"But now," I declared, "do you know of her now? When did you learn of her? YOU must tell me all. "

"In the North of Europe now," he said, "there are those who say they have seen her. " His voice was growing stronger, but he was still quite afraid. "And once a young vampire, a young blood drinker, came to us, one of those who cannot bear the transformation. . . "

"Yes, go on," I said. "I know. You say nothing that is offensive to me. Continue, please. "

"The young one came, hoping we held some magic by which he might reverse the Blood and give him back his mortal life and his immortal soul. . . . "

"Yes, and he spoke of her? That's what you mean to say?"

"Precisely. He knew all about her. He told us her name. He counted her a goddess among vampires. It was not she who made him. Rather coming upon him, she had pity on him, and often listened to his ravings. But he described her as you did. And he told us of the ruins in Antioch where we would find the words she'd written in the stone.

"It was she who spoke to him of Marius. And so the name came to be known to us. Marius, the tall one with the blue eyes, Marius whose mother came from Gaul and whose father was a Roman. "

He stopped, plainly afraid of me.

"Oh, go on, please, I beg you," I said.

"This young vampire is gone now, destroyed by his own will without our compliance. He went out into the morning sun. "

"Where did he come upon her?" I asked. "Where did she listen to his ravings? When did this take place?"

"Within my lifetime," he said. "Though I myself did not see this blood drinker. Please, do not press me too hard. I am trying to tell you all I know. The young vampire said that she was ever on the move, through the northern countries as I told you, but in the disguise of a rich woman, and with an Asian companion, a blood drinker of very great beauty and abrupt cruelty who seemed to oppress her nightly and force her into what she did not want to do. "

"I can't bear it!" I declared. "Go on, tell me¡ªwhat northern countries?

I can't read from your mind any faster than I can hear your words. Tell me all that the young one said. "

"I don't know the countries in which she traveled," he answered.

My passion was unnerving him.

"This young one, he loved her. He imagined that she would repel the Asian. But she would not. It drove him mad, this failure. And so, feeding upon the populace of a small German town, the young one soon blundered into our arms. "

He paused, to gather his courage and to make his voice steady as he went on.

"Within our Motherhouse he talked incessantly of her, but it was all the same theme¡ªher sweetness, her kindness and the cruelty of the Asian from whom she would not break away. "

"Tell me the names under which they traveled," I said. "There must have been names, names they used as mortals, for how else could they have lived as rich mortals? Give me the names. "

"I don't know them," he said. He gathered all his reserve now. "Give me time and perhaps I can obtain them. But I do not in truth think the Order will give me such information to give to you. "

Again I turned away from him. I put my right hand up to shield my eyes. What gestures does a mortal man make at such a moment? I made of my right hand a fist, and held my right arm firmly with my left hand.

She lived. Was I not content with that? She lived! The centuries had not destroyed her. Was that not enough?

I turned around. I saw him standing there, so very bravely, though his hands trembled at his sides.

"Why are you not terrified of me?" I whispered, "terrified that I may come to your Motherhouse and find this information for myself?"

"Perhaps no such action is necessary," he responded quickly. "Perhaps I can obtain it for you, if you must have it, for it breaks no vows we've taken. It was not Pandora herself who sought shelter with us. "

"Ah, yes, you make a lawyer's point on this score," I answered. " What more can you tell me? What more did Pandora tell this young one of me?"

"No more," he answered.

"Of Marius, this young one spoke, having heard the name from Pandora¡ª. " I repeated.