Page 102 of Lachlan in a Kilt

Thecacanbeside her bristles. "She's with me, jackass."

"No, I'm not," Erica declares.

My pulse accelerates when she says that. Whatever else might happen tonight, at least I know she'd rather talk to me than that slimybod ceann.

Erica tries to step off her stool, but her stiletto heels get caught on the rungs. She loses her balance as her right heel slips out from under her, careening her body toward me.

I catch her, savoring the feel of her body pinned to mine.

She tips her head back to gaze up at me, her expression somewhat dazed.

Is she all right? She'd seemed to get dizzy for a moment, which caused her to stumble into me.

"Relax, I'm just clumsy," she says, as if she read my thoughts. She sounds a touch breathless. "Feeling much better today, actually."

"Glad to hear it." One corner of my mouth ticks up. "You do have a tendency to swoon into my arms."

I'd loved it every time she did that. But she only swooned into my arms twice, I think. Or maybe this is the third time.

Thecacanseems peeved that we're ignoring him and jumps off his stool. "This douche bothering you?"

"Not at all," Erica says while gazing up at me, not blinking, seeming as entranced by my eyes as I am by hers. Her tongue slips out to moisten her lips. "I'm with the Highlander."

I grin again, but this time I have no doubts my desire for her shows on my face. It's more than lust, though. I want all of her, not just her beautiful body. I need Erica in my life for good, but she still hasn't told me her decision.

She wraps her arms around my neck and hoists her legs up to encircle my waist, locking her ankles behind my erse. Heedless of the crowd around us, she crushes her mouth to mine.

Ahmno worrying about the bloody crowd either. Erica is kissing me, and I donnae give a toss about anything else right now. Our lips fuse in a messy and desperate kiss, and I grind my lips against hers with a fervor beyond anything we've ever shared before. Two months without feeling her mouth on mine, hearing her soft wee moans of pleasure, reveling in the heat of her body and the way her tits mound against my chest… I thrust my tongue inside her mouth, and she claws her fingers into my hair like she cannae control her passion. Who cares about control? The flavor of her drives me mad, and when she lashes my tongue in greedy strokes, I lose any scraps of my inhibition that hadn't already been demolished by our kiss.

Thecacanmutters, "You weren't the hottest chick in here, anyway."

By the time I set Erica down on her feet, the erse who had propositioned her has disappeared. Blinking rapidly, I try to stem the wetness gathering in my eyes. Crying? Me? I'd been on the verge of tears on the day Erica had slammed the door in my face when I'd turned up at her house. Humiliation doesn't matter to me anymore. I will do anything to convince Erica she can trust me again.

I place one hand on her cheek. "That eejit's wrong. You are the hottest chick in this place."

She clasps her hand over mine. "I was afraid you might not come. I mean, I know how much you hate this place."

"I will always come for you." I shift my hand, cupping her nape. "Always."

She bites her upper lip, searching my face with her gaze. "I miss you. I want to make this work, but we need to talk about a few things first."

I'm fair certain I'm gawping at her like a dafty. Did she just say… I need to be sure. So I speak slowly, my tone measured. "Are you sure that's what you want?"

Donnae get your hopes up.

"Positive," Erica says. She brushes her lips over mine, murmuring against them. "Can't deny the truth anymore. I love you. I want to be with you, for as long as you'll have me."

"As long as I'll have you?" I shake my head. "I'll be having ye for the rest of our lives and whatever comes after. Ye'll not be getting away from me again."

"I wasn't sure if you were sick of my angst."

I shake my head again. "Don't be daft, lass. I'll never get sick of you."

My hand still rests on her hip. I glide it up her back, over her shoulder, grazing my palm across her collarbone and up her throat, letting it settle on her cheek. Her hazel eyes glint in the flashing strobe lights, setting off golden sparks within her irises.

She clears her throat. "The real question is, are you sure?"

I sling my arms around her and hold on like I'll never give her up, which I never will do. "I've let go of the past, once and for all. Losing you woke me up and forced me to see what I'd done to myself—to you. All I know is I can't abide a future without you in it."