Page 16 of One Hot Rumor

Maybe I could control my libido if he didn't keep wearing suits. God, he looks so good in those. Of course, I'd been attracted to him on day one when he wore jeans and a T-shirt with cowboy boots. I have a feeling it won't matter how he dresses. I'll be lusting for him if he wears a tutu, that's how hot Nick Hunter is.

How am I going to survive an entire summer with him? Seeing the man four days a week?

I get through the rest of my classes for the morning, which is all I have scheduled today, and eat lunch in my office. After that, I hide out in the library to do my work. Immediately after that, I rush home so Nick can't find me again and seduce me into doing things I should not be doing. I want to do anything and everything with that man, but I won't.

Self-control is torture.

Not that I've shown much of that when I'm around Nick.

At home, I get out a box of leftover Chinese takeout. I'm about to pop it in the microwave when my cell phone rings. The second I answer, barely getting a chance to say hello, a familiar voice sends a hot shiver down my spine.

"Good evening, Siobhan," Nick Hunter says. "What are you wearing? Sorry. I meant what are you doing?"

That doesn't sound any less like a come-on, not whenhesays those words.

"I'm eating dinner, alone," I say. "How did you get my number?"

"You're listed in the campus phone directory."

Oh crap. I had listed my cell number along with my office number as a means of making myself more available to students. I've been accused of being standoffish. No one has ever called my cell until tonight.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Don't sound so suspicious. I want to cook for you. Come to my flat, please."

No, that's not suspicious at all. I'm sure he has no plans to seduce me once he lures me to his bachelor pad.

"You won't violate the ethics code," he says, "if no one sees us together. Besides, it's dinner, not a night of debauchery."

"Sure, I believe that. You have no plans to seduce me."

"I never said that, but I'll only do it if you beg me to."

Maybe I could get a handle on my libido if he'd stop talking in that soft, sexy rumble. And if he could stop speaking with a British accent, that would be great.

"Nick, I don't think that's a good idea."

"I told you, bad ideas can be the most fun." He sighs. "All right. I vow on my grandmother's grave that I will not seduce you tonight. It's a meal, nothing more. I'd like to get to know you. Unless conversation violates the ethics code."

No, I don't think it does. Except we'll be having dinner in his apartment. Maybe that's unethical, I don't know. He's confusing me. I can't think when I hear Nick Hunter's voice in my ear.

"I'm sorry, Nick, the answer is no. I'll see you in class tomorrow. Goodbye."

Though I end the call, I just stand here holding the phone in my palm and staring at it as if Nick might magically step out of it.

Oh, I'd love to get three wishes from him. My first wish would be for him to screw me all night long.

I can still hear his voice in my ear, and it's making me tingle in the naughtiest ways.

Maybe that explains why I grab my purse and race out to my car. I exceed the speed limit on my way to Nick's apartment, but I don't care. For reasons I can't understand, I need to see him right now. Once I get to the swanky apartment complex, I take the elevator to the third floor and sprint down the hall until I find his unit.

I hesitate with my finger hovering millimeters from the doorbell button.

This is insane. Completely nuts. But I don't care anymore.

I ring the bell.

The door swings open seconds later, and Nick hits me with a smile that smolders with enough heat to make me instantly wet.