Page 32 of One Hot Rumor

The tightness in his voice and on his face suggests he might be fibbing, to himself if not to me. I'll wait to ask him that question another time when he might feel more comfortable answering.

Why do I care? His family dramas aren't my concern.

I told him this is a date, though. Couples talk about this stuff.

Nick clears his throat. "I've been, ah, wondering about something."

"Go on, ask me."

"You said Felicity's father abandoned you, but I wondered if you've ever been married."

I sink back into my plush leather seat, aiming my gaze at the windshield. "Yeah, once. It only lasted two months. I met Curtis when Felicity was two years old, and I didn't intend to get married, but I fell for him. Curtis was charming and smart, but it turned out he was a liar. He swore he could handle being a stepdad and living with a toddler. But after two months, he'd had enough. Didn't even say goodbye, just left a note for me on the fridge. Snuck out while I was asleep."

"What an arsehole. I'm sorry that happened to you, Siobhan. Can't stand blokes who break their promises."

Yeah, I think Nick would keep every promise he makes. Maybe I've known him for only a few days, but I've seen sides of him that I bet most people never get to see.

I decide to change the subject to something more fun. "So, tell me about these Scottish people you've become friends with. They live in Utah, you said."

"Some of them do. The rest live in the Scottish Highlands, in and around the villages of Ballachulish and Loch Fairbairn. My mate Grey Dixon has a brother who's married to a bonnie Scots lass. Grey and his wife, Jessica, visit them as often as possible. I've been to their home too, but only twice."

"What about the Utah Scots? Do you visit them?"

"No, I haven't yet. But considering how close they are, I might do."

I glance at him sideways. "Maybe I could go with you sometime. To visit the Utah Scots. Are they Mormons or something?"

He chuckles. "No, they're not Mormons. Evan MacTaggart owns a multinational corporation, Evanescent Security Technologies Limited. His wife runs the American subsidiary, Vic's Electronics Superstores LLC. Logan MacTaggart is Evan's cousin, and he's the head of security at Evanescent. Catriona MacTaggart comes to America too sometimes, with her husband, Alex Thorne. He's Grey Dixon's brother, and he owns property in Montana."

"Why does Grey's brother have a different last name?"

"They're half-brothers."

"Oh, I see. Love to hear more about all of those guys and gals, but we're almost to Santa Fe. Better get in the right lane to take the next exit."

"Yes, my queen, I shall execute your every command to the letter."

He smirks and winks at me.

God, I love it when he does that. Nick Hunter makes me feel like I'm the only woman in the world. To him, I suppose I am. Or maybe I hope I am. My track record with men is abysmal, but I'm starting to think Nick Hunter will be different—in every way.

A chill shivers through me, but it's quickly erased by a delicious warmth.

I don't think I'd mind at all if Nick wanted to marry me.

Holy shit, woman, what is wrong with you?

Yeah, it's way too soon to think about a commitment of any kind. But I'd love to find out where this thing between us will lead.

Chapter Thirteen


Siobhan and I have just sat down at a table in a secluded corner of the restaurant she'd chosen. She's been here before with friends and colleagues. She also brought Felicity here for the girl's eighteenth birthday a few months ago, and Siobhan celebrated her tenure with a private party in this restaurant.

Tonight, we're celebrating our first date.

It feels strange. I've known Siobhan for a matter of days, but I love spending time with her. She wants to meet my mates—and my family too, I'm sure—so maybe I should do that. Introduce her. See how we fare as a couple once it's not a secret. None of my friends or family would tell anyone about us if we ask them to keep it quiet. Once the semester is over, we won't need to hide our relationship.