Page 66 of One Hot Rumor

"Don't make me regret helping the women arrange this for you."

"It's mine," Maddie says. "Rick looks best in blue. So do you, Nick. You're twins, after all, which means you have the same complexion."

"No mauve, then? I'm heartbroken." I tie the blindfold around my head. "There, I'm ready. But how am I meant to walk like this?"

"Siobhan will help you," Richard says. "Won't you?"

"Absolutely." She slips her arm around mine. "Do you trust me to guide you?"

"I trust you to do anything for me."

Siobhan leads me away, and I can hear other footfalls ahead of and behind us, which tells me everyone is coming along on this mystery visit to the spa. The beautiful woman on my arm informs me when we reach the corner, so I won't trip over the curb and fall flat on my arse. We need to walk slowly to accommodate my temporary blindness, but we arrive at our destination a few minutes later.

"What now?" Siobhan asks.

"No bloody idea," I say.

"I was talking to your brother."

She keeps her arm hooked around mine even as two man-size hands rotate me to the left.

"Now he's in position," Rick says. Then he moves away and shouts, "Ladies, you're up."

"Take the blindfold off," a woman calls out. That sounds like Rika.

"I'll do that," Siobhan says, and then she whips the blindfold off.

My eyes had gotten used to the semi-darkness, and I squint at the bright sunlight that's now shining in my face. I need a few seconds to understand what I'm seeing.

We stand in front of the spa entrance, facing toward the street, a few feet from the curb. In the street, I see a crowd of ladies in front and men in the back, lined up like they're soldiers guarding their women.

Emery MacTaggart, wife of Rory the Steely Solicitor, steps away from the group to stand inches from the curb. "This is your surprise, Nick. What do you think?"

"Well, it's very nice to see you girls, but…" I look at the crowd and notice many more familiar faces there. "What are you lot doing here? I'm not getting shirty, just confused."

She smiles and spreads her arms wide. "The American Wives Club has organized this event to show our love and support for you, Nick. And we're not alone."

Emery glances over her shoulder and nods once.

One of the gents in the back—Logan MacTaggart, it looks like—blows a whistle.

People pour out of the side streets and shops, filling the roadway and the pavements along both sides. Soon, my family and I are surrounded by more than the American women and their spouses, but also by a large group of strangers. I see my employees too, including Bennett Montague.

A young man carrying a large camera squeezes through the crowd. "May I take a few pictures, Mr. Hunter?"

"Which Mr. Hunter are you asking?"

"Sorry. I meant you, Nick Hunter."

"Uh, sure, go on." I glance around and ask anyone who cares to answer, "What is going on here?"

"This is your redemption," Maddie says. "The cute young guy behind you works for the Cockshire newspaper. He's going to document this gathering so everyone will know how much the people of this town appreciate and believe in you. Chance and Rory have also filed a libel suit against Lady Prescott on your behalf. Once we're done, nobody will ever claim you do anything at your spa other than give the best massages in Essex. Legitimate massages."

Can their show of support actually redeem my business and my reputation? Maybe it was never as damaged as I'd assumed. That meme rubbish on social media had convinced me everyone must think I run a brothel. But the people of Cockshire, the town I've called home for years, have turned out en masse to prove me wrong.

Even if some people still believe what Georgina said, I don't care anymore. My family, my mates, and the woman I love have always stood by me.

And now, an entire town does too.