Page 69 of One Hot Rumor

My brother has made it his mission to ensure I enjoy myself this afternoon. He's awful at that, but I appreciate the effort.

Rick insists on sitting beside me at one of the small tables that have been set up in my yard. And he insists on telling me, repeatedly, that I should fly back to America and "retrieve" Siobhan.

"She's not a piece of lost luggage," I say. "Besides, my visa was revoked. I can't go anywhere near America."

"You lost your student visa. Get one for travel."

"I'm probably on the no-fly list. Can't let randy British massage therapists defile those American girls."

"Nick, you—" Rick stares at something past my shoulder. Just when I'm going to smack him, strictly to make sure he hasn't gone comatose, he returns his attention to me and grins. "Turn around, Nick."


"Do it, you bloody moron."

I twist around in my chair to glance behind me. There, on the other side of the yard, Siobhan is speaking to Maddie. Then she notices me, smiles, and starts walking this way.

For a moment, I can't believe what I'm seeing—until my brother kicks me in the shin.

"Wake up, you lucky sod," he says. "Go and get her."

I don't need to "get her." By the time I stand up, Siobhan has reached me.

She grabs my shirt and pulls me close, clucking her tongue. "Nicholas Timothy Hunter, did you really think you could walk out like that and I wouldn't chase after you?"

"Not sure. I thought you'd be taking time to think."

"Did all the thinking I need to do." She boosts up on her tiptoes, her lips millimeters from mine. "I quit my job."


"Partly because I'm tired of working my ass off and not having any fun." She presses her chest to mine, crushing those tits I adore into my body. "But mostly, I did it for you."

I'm starting to feel lightheaded, probably because I've stopped breathing and my heart is pounding. "What about Felicity and your parents?"

"Felicity is a grown woman. She doesn't need me anymore." Siobhan gets a sly look on her face. "Besides, I heard a rumor you have several friends who own private jets. My parents and my daughter can visit us anytime."

No, it's not a rumor. I'm done with that rot. But I love that she's teasing me.

I lay my hands over hers on my chest. "If you're sure…"

"Positive. I love you, Nick Hunter, and the only place where I belong is with you."

"Well, in that case…" I drop to one knee and clasp her hand. "Will you marry me, Siobhan?"

"Yes, I'd love to."

My friends and family—ourfriends and family—clap, cheer, and whistle.

I pull out the little surprise I have for her and flip open the ring box. "Bought this three days after we got home from England."

Siobhan holds out her hand. "You never waste time, do you?"

"No." I slip the ring onto her finger and stand. "I'm more the rush-in-headlong sort."

"Turns out I am too." She kisses me. "But only with you."

"I hope you don't mind hanging around for this garden party instead of rushing upstairs to shag. Everyone went to a lot of trouble to organize this."