“It does,” I assured him, because it meant more jobs and job stability for me and my crew. I took my time taking photographs since Suzie had assured me Cal was in surgery and unlikely to show up unannounced. The before and after shots would look incredible on the website and I smiled, happy I’d gotten Cal’s approval at the start of the contract. He might be less willing to share if I asked now.

“This was a big job, sis. It looks fantastic. You should be proud.”

“I am.”

“Then why do you seem sad?”

I sighed at the question and turned to face Travis. “This was a big job and it required a lot of man-hours. Jobs like this feel like they’ll never end and then when they do, I get a little wistful. Sue me.”

Travis laughed and flung an arm around my shoulders. “Nah, I love it when you get all girly on me. It’s cute.”

I growled and elbowed his midsection. “I’m a grown woman, not a puppy.” My phone buzzed in my pocket and I checked the screen, anticipating some passive-aggressive or flirty message from Cal. Instead, it was Antonio.

“Lunch at my place. Seafood barbecue extravaganza.”

I had to smile at his blatant attempt at luring me over to his place, and I looked at Travis. “You coming to Antonio’s for lunch? He said seafood barbecue, if that helps.”

Travis raked a hand through his hair and let out a long, conflicted sigh. “As tempted as I am to say yes, I have plans.”

“Plans with a woman?”

“Of course.” He flashed his dimpled smile and ambled to his truck, where two crew members waited for him.

“Have fun, but not too much,” I called after him and made my way back to my own truck. Testing out my brother’s recipes was one of my favorite ways to pass time, and today I could use a little bit of love from my niece and nourishment from my brother. It would help me keep my head on straight where Cal was concerned.

The house smelled amazing as soon as the door opened, but that wasn’t my focus as I frowned at my best friend. “Hannah. What are you doing here?”

“I’m here for lunch. Come on.” She nodded for me to follow and I did, but I was curious.

“Where’s Rosie?”

“Play date in the park,” my brother answered from his spot behind the counter, smiling mischievously.

I stopped in the doorway even as my stomach rebelled. The table was filled with burgers and sausages, all made from seafood, and all made by Antonio. Still, I felt uneasy, and I’d learned to never ignore those feelings.

“What’s going on?”

“Have a seat,” Hannah commanded.

“No. Tell me what’s going on. Now.”

Hannah looked to Antonio, both of them wearing worried expressions that immediately put me on edge. “We’ve been talking, Antonio and I, and we’ve reached an important conclusion.”

My shoulders relaxed and I grinned. “You guys have been seeing each other on the down-low? I have no problem with it, as long as you don’t hurt each other.” They were both entrepreneurs, good looking, and fun—they could be great together.

“No, not that.” Hannah shook her head and Antonio let out a huff of laughter. “It’s about Cal. He’s in love with you.”

I let my best friend’s words sink in even as I shook my head with as much force as I could. “He’s not. You’re wrong.” Cal didn’t love anyone in the romantic sense, and I wouldn’t even let that thought take hold in my mind.

“Just have a seat and listen while you eat. Please?” Antonio’s expression was serious, and I knew he wouldn’t stop until I let him have his say.

“Fine,” I growled and took a seat, focusing on the shrimp burger platter right in front of me. “Entertain me your ridiculous theories.”

“Look at how he’s acting,” Hannah began.

“Like a damn fool,” Antonio finished on a laugh. “I’ve never seen Cal crash a date before, and though I’m sorry he did it, I’m sorrier I wasn’t there to witness it.”

“It was rude and disrespectful,” I reminded them around a big bite of burger.

“Sure,” my brother agreed. “It’s also out of character for Cal. He doesn’t get attached enough to get jealous, never mind actually display that jealousy.”

“He called me to rant about your date, Teddy. Me.”

“Because he knew you’d be his allies.” It had almost nothing to do with me, of that, I was sure. “Cal can feel however he wants, though I don’t believe he’s capable of romantic love. And it doesn’t matter because he has no interest in doing anything about it.” I reminded them of Cal’s goals in life. “He’s just fixed up the ultimate bachelor pad, he doesn’t want to fall in love or live with a woman or have children. I want all of those things someday.”

“But he might change his mind about those things now that he’s in love,” Hannah offered with a sigh. “At least, he might once he realizes he’s in love.”