Page 36 of One Hot Chance

"Thought you took a sabbatical."

"Yes, but this morning I submitted my resignation. I've had enough of the underhanded bollocks."

She studies me for a moment, seeming to weigh whether to say something. Finally, she asks, "Are you staying at Raisa's firm permanently?"

"No. I've had enough of her underhanded bollocks too."

"What will you do?"

I run a hand through my hair, not sure how to answer. "That's yet to be decided."

Elena inches closer to me. "I heard a rumor you're stinking rich. Is that true?"

"Who told you that?"

"Office gossip. I haven't asked you about it because gossip is, well, gossip and it wasn't any of my business." She fingers the top button on my shirt. "Now it is."

"The gossip is partly true." I slip my arm around her, tugging her closer. "I'm not filthy rich, but I have enough money to live comfortably without needing to work for quite a while."

"Would it be rude to ask how you got to be wealthy? Was it a big settlement for a client?"

"You're not being rude at all. I've gotten a few sizable settlements for clients, and I have a mate who's a financial adviser. He helped me invest wisely." I glance around the small apartment with its inexpensive furniture, and I suddenly wonder if my financial situation makes her uncomfortable. "My family are what you might call upper middle class, but they're not stinking rich and definitely not uptight snobs."

"I'm looking forward to meeting your parents."

The way she changed the subject makes me think she might be uncomfortable after all. "Does it bother you that I have money?"

She gives me a sweet, if small, smile. "I have money too, just not the gobs and gobs of it you have. My bank account balance is eight hundred and fifty-two dollars and nineteen cents. Does that bother you?"

"No. But that's different."

"Because I'm not rich and you are. I'm supposed to be jealous or disgusted or something. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm none of those things."

"You honestly don't care?"

"About your money? No. I care what kind of person you are." She kisses me, and her eyes are millimeters from mine when she says, "You are a good man, Chance Dixon. That's what matters."

"You are an exceptional woman, Elena Linwood."

"Are you trying to outdo me with your compliment? I said you're a good man, so you have to say I'm exceptional."

I know she's teasing me. Her tone of voice and the twinkle in her eyes tells me as much.

She tickles me under my chin. "You are pretty exceptional too."

How else can I respond to that? I fuck her on the sofa, since Kyle is out with his girlfriend, and marvel at what a lucky bastard I am.

Near the end of our two weeks, the morning of the day when we will leave on our holiday, I wake up with Elena's body half sprawled over me. The covers have slipped off her shoulders and one leg, exposing her creamy skin. I want to wake her with a kiss and make love to her slowly, but we both need to get to the office.

So I wake her with a kiss and stop there.

We've spent most of our nights for the past two weeks in her apartment. I like it here. It's comfortable and feels like a home. My hotel has all the posh amenities, but it lacks warmth. I'll sleep anywhere with Elena, even in a tent in the middle of the Arctic.

Elena and I say goodbye to Kyle, since we'll be heading for the airport directly after work. I've gotten to know Kyle a bit, and I like him. He has a wry sense of humor and clearly loves his sister. I appreciate loyalty. After being married to a woman who thought cheating was acceptable as long as she claimed to still love me, I'm grateful to have met two honest and forthright people like Elena and Kyle Linwood.

We arrive at the office to find Raisa isn't there. One of the other attorneys tells us she called in sick.

Raisa has never taken a sick day in her life.