She’d missed this kind of clawing hunger. The urgency. The need. A need that had never been this strong with anyone but Gabriel. Part of her wanted to blame what she was feeling on the searing, pent-up heat, on the fact that she’d never had all of him, but it felt like more.

So much more.

And speaking of more, Gabriel gave her plenty of that, starting with that first hot kiss. It wasn’t the gentle touching of mouths as he’d initiated earlier in the truck. Nope. This was a different kind of foreplay. One with the desperate edge to get past the start and onto the finish, and that edge was contagious.

She didn’t mind the desperation one bit because she was right there with him. Later, once they’d burned off some of this heat, they could slow down for round two, but this first time had to happen now.

The touching started, but they didn’t break the kiss to get on with that. Rosalie slid her hands down his chest, silently cursing the shirt that was in between them. She fixed that by going after his buttons until she had the skin-to-skin contact she desperately needed.

Gabriel clearly had some needs, too, because he zoomed in on her zipper, and even though it ran from nape to butt, he got it down in one fluid move. More moving, also fluid, and he slid the dress off her. Rosalie had just a moment to feel the silk slink down her body and pool at her feet. A moment because Gabriel frazzled her brain by shoving down the cups of her bra and kissing her breasts.

She moaned in pleasure.

This was familiar territory for him, and he obviously hadn’t lost his touch with his mouth and tongue. He gave her a really enjoyable reminder of how they’d passed the time during some of their high school make-out sessions.

Breathless now and with her body revving, Rosalie gave him a couple of reminders. She went after his zipper, lowered it and slid her hand inside his boxers. He was huge, hard and ready.

Now it was Gabriel who grunted with pleasure. And he cursed her, too, but it made her laugh because she knew what kind of sweet torture this was.

Mindful of his injury, Rosalie kept up the touching while she began backing him toward her bedroom, very thankful for her small house because it didn’t take them long to get there. She pushed him back on her bed, following on top of him, and kissed him with all the heat she’d stored up for the last fifteen years.

Gabriel must have had some pent-up heat of his own, because he flipped her onto her back, and he tackled her underwear. Except he put his own spin on getting her naked. He kissed and used his tongue on every inch of her that he uncovered when he shimmied off her bra and panties. Each touch of his mouth skyrocketed the heat until Rosalie was worried she would climax before they got around to the actual deed.

She did something about that.

After another flip, Gabriel was beneath her again, and she got busy getting him naked. Oh, what an adventure. All those toned and tight muscles were hers to play with, and she had to admit that time was on her side for this. Gabriel had filled out in all the right places, and she had a lot more of him to explore than she had when they’d been teenagers.

Getting on with that exploring, Rosalie took a page from Gabriel’s foreplay book and kissed the parts of him that she stripped. His chest. Stomach. And, yes, then the prize.

He cursed her again, grimaced with that sweet pleasure that she was feeling just by tasting him. But apparently, Gabriel thought this particular pleasure was too sweet, because he turned, and she found herself beneath him again. She didn’t mind.

Because now they were naked body to naked body.

She did curse, though, when he leaned over and started fumbling with his jeans that she’d just taken off him. It took her a couple of seconds to realize he was getting a condom from his wallet. Good grief. She’d forgotten all about safe sex. Thankfully, though, Gabriel hadn’t.

He got on the condom, which involved touching her with the back of his hand. She doubted it was intentional, but he had her seeing stars and some constellations. He had her very close to that climax that she was trying to stave off. She hadthe romantic notion of them doing this together, an explosive, perfectly timed release that might cause some earthquakes.

And the romantic notion was a drop in the bucket compared to the real deal.

Gabriel pushed inside her, and then he went still for a couple of seconds. Maybe to give her time to adjust, maybe to give himself that time. Maybe just to savor. One look at him, and she decided it was the latter, because he was staring down at her as if she were the sun, the moon. The big, shiny prize that he’d finally gotten.

She got a big, shiny prize, too, and it got even shinier when he started to move inside her. Those delicious thrusts that kept pushing her toward the brink. Since the brink was exactly where she wanted to go, she didn’t even try to hold on.

Not that she could have.

Gabriel could have easily finished her off then and there, but he added a flourish. He kissed her, long and deep, before he gave her that final push. And, yes, the brink happened, and she got to experience what she’d fantasized about for fifteen years. Gabriel shot her straight to the moon.

And then he went with her.

WITHHERBREATHSTILLUNEVEN,Rosalie lay beneath Gabriel and felt the slack floating of her body. Oh, yes. Gabriel and she had indeed managed that whole romantic-notion deal. She figured it was rare for sex to live up to such notions and fantasies, but Gabriel had defied the odds.

In the back of her mind, a little kernel of sadness formed, because it didn’t seem possible that they could re-create what’d just happened. Then he kissed her, and the kernel of doubtvanished. They could definitely re-create this, maybe very soon if he had any more condoms.

“I’ll be right back,” he whispered to her, kissing her again before he headed off to the bathroom.

Rosalie just lay there, grinning like an idiot when she caught sight of his bare butt. Yes, she was up for another round of that. However, her smiling ground to a halt when she heard her phone ding with a text. Her phone that was obviously still in her purse that was now somewhere on the living room floor. She tried to ignore it, but since Gabriel was still in the bathroom, she hurried to get it.

Then she cursed when she saw the text was from Reggie.

Delores Fossen's Novels