Page 2 of Bad Romance

“We figured, hey,” says the other guy, “why don’t we get the Senator to do it for us? Make him fuck his old lady’s little girl, film it, then get him to agree to a generous payment schedule in exchange for not plastering his stepdaughter’s first time with Daddy all over the fucking internet.”

Shock tints my daddy’s cheeks. I press against the side of the bed, hugging my knees to my chest. This whole thing feels like a bad dream. It would be horrific enough if these guys wanted to force me, but to make my daddy do it for them? It’s unthinkable.

“No.” He shakes his head. “I won’t do it.?


The man with the crowbar grabs me by the hair and maneuvers me onto my knees in front of his partner. “Then, we’ll just have to film her getting tag-teamed instead. We’ll send the video to all the major news outlets, not to mention all her friends and teachers.”

I cringe as the guy with the acne scars rubs his hand over the bulge in his pants, inches from my face. Tears track down my cheeks. I don’t want the memory of my first time to involve this creep’s dick anywhere near me. He grabs the back of my head and presses my nose to his jeans.

Without thinking, I rear back and headbutt him in the balls.

“You fucking bitch!” He coughs, then knocks me onto the carpet with a swift backhand.

My cheek throbs.

“Hey!” my daddy shouts. The crowbar swings in his direction. I hadn’t thought it possible for my dad to look more enraged, but the anger in his eyes is like a physical presence in the room. “I said that’s enough.”

“Your little princess is a brat.” The one I punched drops down to straddle me, pinning my arms to my sides. He raises his fist. “Let’s see how she likes a taste of her own medicine.”

I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for the blow.

The other guy whistles sharply, and the one pinning me to the floor stands up.

“The video won’t be worth shit if she’s unrecognizable, dumbass,” he mutters. “Put her on her knees. Maybe she’ll be more agreeable now that she’s seen the alternative.”

The one I injured hauls me up, copping a feel of my breasts in the process. He aims the phone’s camera at my face. The gravity of the situation weighs me down like a lead blanket. These men are going hurt me. Really, really hurt me. And there’s nothing I can do to stop them.

Or, maybe there is.

All they want is to make a video of my mom’s boyfriend fucking me, something they can use as blackmail. Of course, Tom said no, because under normal circumstances, that would be inappropriate. But normal flew out the window fifteen minutes ago. If this has to happen, then I’d rather it be Tom who does it.

At least then I know he’ll be gentle.

“Daddy,” I croak, my voice thick from crying. “I’ll do it.”

He tilts his head. “What’s that, sweetheart?”

“What they asked for. I’ll do it. But only with you.”

“No, baby.” He scrubs a hand down his anxiety ridden face. “I can’t let you do that.”

“Please, Daddy!” I’m practically sobbing. “If this has to be my first time, I want it to be with you.”

My daddy sighs heavily, then finally says, “Okay, sweetheart. If you’re sure you want to do this, then we’ll do it.”

He sits on the bed and gestures for me to come closer. I crawl over to him, nearly tripping over my own hands. He cradles my jaw and strokes my sore cheekbone.

“It’s just you and me now, Cara. Don’t even think about them. Okay?”

I nod.

He pulls his pajama pants off and then scoots to the edge of the bed. I kneel between his legs. His cock is already hard, probably from all the adrenaline. I wet my lips. I’ve only ever given one hand job, and that was a while ago.

“I don’t know where to start,” I whisper.

“Just lick it, sweetheart.”