Page 22 of Baby

She sighs and continues. “I try not to pay too much attention to which chicks they’re sleeping around with and just concentrate on Viking. He keeps me plenty busy.”

“She wants them both?” I don’t know why, but that thought pisses me off. She’s greedy, trying to have two men—the specific I’m here with. I’d have no idea either if it wasn’t for Princess letting me know. The guys never would’ve mentioned it, I’m sure.

She nods. “Keep an eye out for Cherry. You’re young, so she’ll try to push her weight around with you. Just remember she’s irrelevant to the guys, just a piece of easy ass. Honey’s not much better, either.”

What the hell is up with these names? Honey and Cherry? Is there a Blueberry and Syrup running around some place also? Geez, they make my name sound so plain in comparison. Jude, just boring old Jude...

“Wow. I appreciate the heads-up, Princess.”

She grins. “No problem. I’m happy about them going. Less shit I have to deal with. Odin’s bad enough. So, have the boys claimed you yet?”

“I’ll be honest here; I don’t know what you mean.”

“Then it hasn’t happened. Trust me; you’ll know when it does.” She winks and the back door slams open.

The bartender, Blaze, comes outside, huffing with blood spray on his shirt. “Oh, good. Viking was just asking about you.” He pins his gaze on Princess.

“Me? Is he okay?” She’s a lot calmer than I’d be. If someone came searching for me with blood on their shirt, I’d probably freak out.

“He’s fine, it’s...” He quiets, with a sidelong glance in my direction. I’m guessing he can’t say with me sitting here. That’s fine; I have no desire to know their business, especially with blood obviously involved in some way.

“I see. Do you need my help or? Are you the one bleeding, Blaze?”

“Everything’s straight, 2 Piece should be here anytime. This is from Torch, but he’s fine too. Maybe hang out and keep Jude company since we’re busy?”

“Yeah, that’s no problem. Are you going to be behind the bar?”

He shrugs, disappearing with a slam of the massive back door.

“That was weird,” I mutter.

“Guess they’re going to take longer than usual. Want to get a drink? If he’s not in there, I can make us a mean margarita.”

I have no idea what that is, but hopefully, it’s good and doesn’t make me sick in the morning again. “Okay.”

“Bethany, my best friend should be here soon too. She’s dropping her son off with the babysitter so some girl time will be fun.”

“Should we be worried about that guy bleeding?” I gesture toward the closed door.

“Nah,” She waves it off. “They’ll take care of it; that’s what 2 Piece is for. Plus, they don’t like women getting involved with their club business. It’s best if we just make a few pitchers and relax.”

“A few pitchers?” My voice is weary at the amount that implies.

“Hell yeah, lady. I’m telling you, I make ‘em good.” She grins triumphantly and climbs to her feet.

Following suit, I grab my lemonade glass and silently pray that whatever she’s planning on making isn’t too sweet. I was nauseous until I ate with the guys earlier, and I’m not looking forward to that happening again. I hope Bethany’s as friendly as Princess too. I could get used to being around them if they’re both always like this.

“And then, I punched her!” Bethany hoots, nearly falling over on her barstool. She’s funny and outspoken, not like the women I’ve been around at home. They’re boring compared to these two.

I take another gulp of the sweet and tangy concoction as Princess giggles. “It was so great; the scream Honey let out, you’d think she was dying.”

“You actually walked up to the woman and just hit her?” My mouth nearly falls open, and Bethany nods.

“Pretty much, but that was after I laid one hell of a kiss on my man.”

Princess leans forward a bit over the round, counter-height table between us, “I told you, Jude, you have to stake your claim and let these hoes know that you mean business. Once you stand up to them, they wiggle their way back into the cracks they seeped out of.”

“I’m not sure Sinner would be thrilled if I punched someone.” I rationalize. “But Saint probably wouldn’t care.”