Page 25 of Baby

“Ah!” His eyes widen as the opaque irises darken to a shade resembling graphite. I don’t know what it means, but somehow, I don’t think it’s a good thing. My heart rate spikes, even though you’d think it’s not possible with everything happening so fast already.

He breaks free from my mouth and dips his face. Pain explodes in my shoulder as his teeth tear into my flesh. I let loose a piercing cry, gasping for breath afterward. The only defense I have is to drag my short nails down his biceps and scream.

He rasps a warning against my ear after he releases his bite. “Be careful what you wish for, baby. You give pain, you get pain in return.”

Tears drip down my cheeks as I release my grip and whisper, begging, “Please?”

He draws back a bit, using his thumbs to wipe my cheeks. Saint’s touch is back to being tender, and it confuses me. One thing is for certain; I’m sober now—that’s for damn sure.

My scared gaze finds his as I plead, “Please don’t hurt me.” I sound so weak, but he easily overpowers me. I have no doubt he could really torment me if he desired to do so.

“Shh, precious,” he murmurs, wiping my cheeks again. He bends, dropping a gentle kiss on my forehead. “I mean it; you play nice, I do to.”

Swallowing, I nod and attempt to think. I don’t know what to do. “So, umm, Sinner will be okay, then?” The faster he’s better, the sooner I can let him know about this.

“Yeah, he’s straight. 2 Piece came and sewed him up. I would never really hurt him; you need to believe that.”

“Then why did you st-stab him?” I stammer, still a bit unsure what exactly to say. I want the truth from him directly, without him omitting anything important.

“Because I found out he married your momma. Sinner belongs to me; he always has. He betrayed me, marrying her.”

“But it was fake. She wanted drugs and thought he’d get them for her. He told her he wanted an annulment. I remember listening to them fight about it.”

He thinks it over, carefully rubbing around the spot he bit. “I know it was fake, baby. He told me that afterwards” He dips his head again, placing tiny kisses all around the mark he’s left behind.

“And me? Am I a threat to you? Or do you realize I have no part in that?”

“I thought so when I found out aboutcha. Like I said, I was going to kill you. But he was right, you’re innocent in this. I can’t hold you responsible for his fuck up. Plus, I don’t want to have to hurt you. It’s not you who’s done this to me, it’s him.”

I swallow, my throat feeling dry as a desert at his revelation. “That makes me sad that you’d ever want to take my life.”

“You’re safe now, from me and from anyone else. I won’t let anything happen to you.” The pad of his thumb trails over my nipple closest to the shoulder he just kissed.

The promise is less than reassuring. I fully believe him at this point about his threat to kill me if I don’t chill out. The killing was not the metaphorical type I’m guessing. Now if I can trust him not to hurt me, that’s an entirely different thing. He is no doubt a bit unstable.

Why Sinner loves him so much is the real question. Like I said before, I know to possess one, I have to want the other. Can I forgive Saint for scaring me like this enough to want him the same way I do Sinner? Can I forgive him for injuring the man I’ve already fallen for?