Page 33 of Baby

“Oh, I’ve seen plenty, baby girl; make no mistake about that. None of them quite measure up to you, however.” He flashes his perfect, white teeth with his flirtatious grin. I don’t know how it could be possible, but that look makes him even more freaking gorgeous.

It seems like the more sinister they are, the sexier they are as well. He reminds me of the big bad wolf, and I’m Little Red Riding Hood, just waiting to be devoured. Only, in this case, I’m between two wolves. If only Red had known what she was missing with only one chasing her.

My cheeks warm, loving his compliment. Men don’t ever talk to me like he does, and it makes me hold my breath, just waiting to hear what he has to say. It’s either some sort of whispered threat or sexual innuendo it seems, and I’ve found that I’m growing used to it the more I’m around him. I wonder what his reaction would be if I were so brazen in return? Could I make him suck in a breath at my thoughts as well?

“We need to get you some clothes.” Sinner finishes his earlier observation, ignoring Saint. “I’m going to check if any of the girls around here have something that’ll fit you. What size pants and shirt do you wear?” He’s always attempting to think of everything.

Saint interrupts before I have a chance to open my mouth. “You’re not supposed to ask women that shit. I read about it somewhere, I remember. Same goes for their age and weight. Don’t do it, man.”

A snort leaves Sinner. “Fine. I’ll figure it out, then.” His finger tucks my hair behind my ear, and the movement makes my heart flutter. His touch is electric. “When’s your birthday, sweetheart?”

It’s the last thing I was expecting him to say and the pet name has me racking my brain like I don’t know my own birthday or something. “It’s in two months.” Not sure the exact date at the moment because the only thing I care about is staring at his perfect mouth whenever he speaks. He could be speaking Chinese, and it wouldn’t faze me, just as long as I could sit here and stare.

“You’ll be nineteen?” He tucks my hair back on the other side as well, and my legs damn near fall open, wanting his attention between them too. I’ll welcome his touch anywhere.

Nodding, my stomach seizes, preparing for the spiel about how I’m too young for either of them and so on...

“Good.” He breathes out a sigh of relief. “You’re not as young as I thought. I thought you’d barely hit eighteen.”

“Nope.” I smile, relieved as well he didn’t go into a lecture about the age gap, and his finger caresses my jaw before falling away. I almost let the daddy retort slip, to egg him on further, but hold myself back. It makes him uncomfortable even though Saint seems to enjoy it.

“Saint will keep you company.” He waves to the man who’s most likely going to get me in trouble at some point—in the most devious ways, I’m sure. “I’m going to check around for clothes and boots.”

“I wear a size seven and a half for shoes.” I’d tell him my other sizes as well, but I don’t want to prove Saint’s article wrong. Some women really don’t care about telling people their size, weight, and age.

“Noted. I’ll be back.” He stands, and Saint runs his palm up and down my spine, the rhythm warm and relaxing. I could probably fall asleep if he were to do this while lying down.

“So where are we going?” My attention gravitates to the striking man left beside me. His chin’s still red from my teeth, but I kind of like it. He’s wearing my mark, and that makes my stomach spin in satisfaction.

“It’s a surprise.” He chortles, sharing another glimpse of his bright white teeth.

Gah, it’s so sexy, having men who take care of their bodies, such as Saint and Sinner. I mentioned wanting to lick Sinner before; well, I definitely want to lick Saint as well. And preferably every square inch of him if he’ll let me.

“Sounds like fun.”

“How, if I haven’t told you anything about it, yet? We could be stealing you away to never let you go again.”

“Considering I’ve never been anywhere else besides my hometown and here, it sounds pretty awesome. Besides, you two are anything but boring, so I know I’ll most likely love it. Steal me away.”

“Jesus, baby.” His head shakes and his eyes the colors of raindrops, lose a bit of their teasing glint. “We’ll take you places; I promise.” He utters it with so much sincerity that I can’t help but wish it comes true. “You’ll have a good time; we’ll make sure of it.”

“Saint?” I briefly pause, conjuring up the nerve to say what I’m thinking as easily as he does. “Can I ask you something?”

He grunts but continues to rub circles on my back so I guess that’s not necessarily a no, per se.

“Why are you letting me stay here with you and Sinner?”

“’Cause, you may not realize it now, but Sin wants you.”

“But you don’t?” I meet his gaze, inquisitive. I’m attempting to understand where exactly I fit into this dynamic. I don’t want them to get tired of me and leave me in their rearview mirrors.

“Of course, I do. Maybe not in the same capacity as Sinner, but you serve a purpose for both of us. I’m sure with a little more time, I’ll want you the same amount, if not more than my brother.” His answer’s brutally honest, and I have a lot of respect for it. I appreciate that he’s not one to sugarcoat things for me but be open about them when I need him to be.

“What’s my purpose?” Not that I’m too excited to hear it if I’m only here for sex, but I have to find out. I need to know where I stand and what to expect being intertwined with the two of them.

“It’s too soon to get into all this. For now, I want you to learn to relax and enjoy the ride. Don’t worry yourself sick about our feelings. We want you with us, so you’re here.”

“I don’t want to go back home,” I admit, barely loud enough for him to overhear. There’s nothing left there for me. I didn’t want to say the words out loud, but they’re the truth.